New resourcing skill
Old 11-01-2016, 09:18 AM   #1
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Default New resourcing skill

Name doesn't really matter : maybe survival, harvest etc. (Suggestion welcome )

A lvl 40 resourcing skill that let you combine dust + resource (using survival kit tool) to create "processed resources" (name #2)

What they would do ?

Processed berries can be consumed when ooc and gives you instantly tier# x 10 hp (can be consumed in stacks. (So stack of 50 t10 processed plants will heal you for 5k hp)

Wood will give mana , ores energy.

Now veggies fish prey and rodent parts will give flat bonus to things like dmg, exp, accuracy, and gold. The way it will work every tier will give 1 sec of bonus that's affected by real time like beast bonus.

So to get let's say 30 min of bonus time, a 100 stack of t18 need to be consumed.

Limitations :
You would need skill to use certain tier. Virtues are needed to consume item. For hp mana and energy heal premium/grinder is required.

How is it useful?

When you walking through high zone and have little reg. You can cut waiting time and continue to walk. Same goes for crafting with no pre/me or simply you wanna attack mob with full bars and don't like to wait for them to fill up.

Other bonuses can be used to stack beast bonus , trying to kill higher boss with extra dps etc. Because it involves dust and crafting it will be supply/demand driven market by players and will be used at specific ocassions.

That's raw idea that can be refined but I found it very interesting.

Modifications and suggestions welcome
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Old 11-01-2016, 11:29 AM   #2
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:{ the hp heal would be useful to me as nongener. But overall cba. Taking up valuable storage/inventory/weight limit space :{ for the other part the flat boosts.. yh...50 stacks of a resource for a single boss fight.. if you die another 50... Who honestly is gonna bother? And even if the amount required was lower..still doubt it'd be worth the time unless it was an easy button. Would be difficult to find a balance that isn't op or something like 50 stacks (assuming 2 double cast dd dps) for a single higher boss fight :{
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Old 11-01-2016, 02:54 PM   #3
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i thought kingsz was a gener Oo

omg i wanna sammich nao
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Old 11-01-2016, 03:05 PM   #4
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There you go.

So it could be changed so those items weight close to none then bonus is proportional to tier and each piece gives 1 min of bonus.

This way a middle ground could be found with cost vs gains.
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Old 11-01-2016, 04:18 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by flipynifty
i thought kingsz was a gener Oo
I thought he was staff casting DDs. I'm confused
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Old 11-01-2016, 06:26 PM   #6
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Wouldn't this just lead to lower rares becoming the main burn tiers? The ones a Bit low to uptier to t30. Aside from the heal one seems like it'd just be another high level market.

Your goal is to spark low level markets right?

For the weight..I don't know exactly how glitch decided weights but feels unlikely he'd changed ore and such to xx sand weights
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Old 11-02-2016, 06:58 AM   #7
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As for weight I don't see a problem . There is no need to change anything existing . New items will be combined with dust so it will be dusted resources perhaps with just different background. Similar to tp when you combine heavy dye and cloth and receive ultra light consumable.

As for tier used all of them will be used because some people will have low lvl , low skill or cannot afford high ones.

It's not only about sparking low/ mid lvl crafting.

It's about making dust useful , add something new and exciting and most of all give people feeling that every time they resource whatever tier they pull it doesn't have to be trashed like 90% of it this days - instead it can be used to improve your character

After all resourcing cost time and rrt.

As it being cap market ? There is a solution :

Secondary bonus if your level is 81 or lower.

For example : tier 10 dusted something gives 5% exp and if used by player below lvl 82 it also reduces max exp penalties by 1%. Perfect for little guys who wants to equip that epic sooner...

I think idea is great and with some polishing we could see it happen (one day)
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