Titles of achievement
Old 10-26-2016, 01:25 AM   #1
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Default Titles of achievement

Something that can appear at the top of a person screen when they inspect you, showing off something you have achieved. Different titles showed could be toggled in account settings.

some examples

The hunter - obtained by getting 100 in the hunting skill
Master hunter- obtained by getting 100 in the hunting skill and finding every prey

i could go on for all the resource/crafting/combat skills but dont wanna make this a lengthy post.

Obviously we dont have room for these titles to show up in chat thats why i suggest at the top of the screen when someone is inspecting you. Gives people something to work for and something to show off if they have achieved something they think very highly off.

Said titles should remain on a paid reroll however be reset on a free reroll.

Last edited by devil; 10-26-2016 at 01:27 AM..
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Old 10-26-2016, 03:30 AM   #2
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Getting a resourcing skill maxed is the easy part. Took only a year to get resourcing to 100. No support.
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Old 10-26-2016, 04:44 AM   #3
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most skills are kinda easy to max.. perhaps change it to "expert resourcer" when all non epics are 100. and then master resourcer when you've gotten all 270 accomplishments.
could also add former arena champion/title contender (rest are kinda pushing it)
maybe something to show off each epic skill maxed.
and master pilgrim when 90 :{
perhaps titles could be linked to

in all honesty though i don't expect either one.

Last edited by Blaze; 10-26-2016 at 04:49 AM..
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Old 10-26-2016, 05:37 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Soxson
Getting a resourcing skill maxed is the easy part. Took only a year to get resourcing to 100. No support.
while your no support is noted let me ask you 1 question, did you even think about the idea or just seen my examples and based your answer off that?

yes resourcing skills are easy to get to 100 so lets disregard them from the titles but for another example and linked to blazes post...how many people actually have achieved all 270 accomplishments in the game? how many people have killed EVERY boss in the game in heroic mode? like i said in my original post i could name heaps the examples were just that examples.
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Old 10-26-2016, 11:12 AM   #5
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There's a tops list for achievements though.
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Old 10-26-2016, 05:19 PM   #6
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I love the notion, Dev. Regardless of what example.

My rambling thoughts: When inspecting someone you can see 48 slots where their inventory would be, 32 where the storage would be, plus the six rune slots.... Any of these, I would think, could be utilized for your idea.

This could be done as simply as having an achievement badge of echelon (or whatever, just trying to find new term other than rank or tier or class) that signifies how many accomplishments in that section have been completed: example of having caught 14 of the 30 possible fish. For simplicity, this can be done in sets of ten, therefore only needing three diff pics of 'badges' instead of thirty (or even simpler just one generic badge symbol and the number just changes). This would take 9 of the rows in the inventory area of an inspection screen. Column one being used for representation of what section (ex: dusting) and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th slots in each row housing the badges for having achieved 10, 20 and 30 respectively.

The storage spaces could house numbers per category of skills gained. Example: Top row having category indicators: first storage slot being stats, second being learning, third being weaponry, etc. The second row therefore could have badges reflecting the echelon (per 100 set?) for the category.

It also occurred to me the rune slots could be connected to clan battle, or up coming seigecraft <,<, gains.

Or even simpler... utilizing the "set this as the equipment set people see on your info page." emblem to have a pop up/info bubble with the badges laid out to view.

So rambling over.
Lastly, I do support Devil's idea. This would effect all level toons and pull in more interaction and awareness with the game. There are so FEW that have any inclination to check out forums or tops list, let alone browse all that info for all toons when curious about only a few.

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