fixing stats
Old 10-24-2016, 11:31 AM   #1
Boss Hunter
Blaze is offline
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Default fixing stats

as some of you know i just started 2nd pilg so it's obvious why i'm suggesting this. i am interested in hearing if you have any reasons why it's bad aside from the "back in my day we walked uphill both ways. in the snow. 5 miles." type of comments.

when fixing stats after pilgrim..the most annoying thing is this: for the first 2 pilgrims (3rd and higher don't have this issue) if you fix stats after pilg you have 2 options.

option 1 is: delevel 1 stat all the way at once. if you do so your level will drop to 83/84. so no mc/bgt. you'll also most likely be unable to epic quest unless you got quite a bit of rrt to go through the stat fixing all at once.

option 2 is: delevel 4-8 stat points depending on the pilg. leave 0 points assigned. the up side is you'll reach cap at end of day for epic quest and keep bgt/mc.

is there any specific reason we can't pay to distribute stats like: say i assign 60 points worth of stats to defense.. and i'm able to delevel the rest at my own pace until i run out of free points. obviously i'd need to pay to redistribute again if i wish to go below 60.

is it just that adaptation lowers the penalties so we can suck up 0 stats for a couple days if it's high level? is it to prevent some exploit? or do you (glitch) feel that fixing stats is just part of pilg so a bit of the hard way doesn't hurt?
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