Solution for gardening
I have to admit (even tho I like resourcing) that gardening is making me pull my hairs out.
Why its bad:
1 it takes long in general due cool downs between clicks.
2 often when you click on tile it triggers cool down but won't reveal it.
3 it requires focus (some people's memory is not that good and many players have kids like me and got easily distracted forgetting all memorized resins )
4 drop rate for rares (confirmed) is terrible - just yesterday out of 1000+ veggies (99 skill +3 bonus) only 4 pulls were rare with t25 highest
5 not sure about S1 but s2 is dry if it comes to veggies - every other resourcess are available
Solution ?
I would ask you guys for good one.
Elimination cool down won't really break it since clicking it faster messing with memorizing.
Or if we go extreme :
Make gardening minigame like hunting . You wait for it , pile of dirt appear and you dig it with shovel. Boom done!. I guess it would make easy for Glitch to implement it .
I'll be happy with ANY improvement in gardening tbh