Nodiatis Expansion
Old 10-07-2016, 03:08 PM   #1
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Default Nodiatis Expansion

I was reading somewhere and I seen glitchless asked if people wanted lower level zones to be expanded upon. I would like to propose instead of adding more lower level zones, add a new legendary quest line with new legendary zones each with a different boss. You could add 5 new zones, and 5 new bosses each would drop a piece of a fragmented monster skull, and when you collected each of them you would be able to fight a ancient legendary creature that drops a legendary item. To start the legendary quests you would need to complete ally pilgrimages/
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Old 10-07-2016, 06:41 PM   #2
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That would take glitch months, or even a year to do. Glitch's agenda for nod is already a mile long.
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Old 10-08-2016, 01:02 PM   #3
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Imo That would be something for caps again.

Lower zones would help pull new players in and keep them. It would also help revive some caps that are willing to reroll instead of looking at more black zones that take so much work and patience to get to play.
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Old 10-08-2016, 01:50 PM   #4
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Meh. Lower zones are more for old players than new imo. The goal of the majority of new players is to cap. More lowbie zones for them will give them more options for grinding trophies cuz different ratios. That's about it. Meanwhile for us older players we got new zones for easy quests/learning exp. And some may reroll to have fun in new zones for a bit. But for actual new players aside from trophy ratio what would be the difference between ice lake and some other 45ish zone? They're both new to a new player. They'd just pass through new zone on quests if it isn't right next to town probs.
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Old 10-08-2016, 03:09 PM   #5
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Your age as a player shows.

If a player is rushing to cap, then no zone will matter. Especially on s1, they will nom trophies and pl and w/e. If a player is playing along, paying attention to quests and learning gear and exploring resourcing/crafting/etc, then more zones before the real mindless grind of cap - where dealing with only higher and higher blacks and the feeling trophies are worthless - would be awesome.

But... everyone knows i don't prefer cap life. To me it's stagnation, I'm not pvp so have no massive reason to out do myself or others - not a competitive person all around. I know pilly is same way kinda, but at least it's a goal, a test... where as plain cap for the never within reach princess >,> feels much less satisfying.

So anyway: There is also the factor of a player taking longer in low levels (basically all non cap levels) can encourage more of the small incomes. For example, someone plays and is hooked but caps a toon that is a worthy gold farmer (to even become several such toons) will mean they don't need to spend as much irl money... And for people with limited entertainment budget, they will gladly do that. It is very common for us all to encourage new players to cap just for that fact - to buy tcs using in game gold.

If we want the game here, it has to make money. For players to play for the game (great community not including that in the my points) there must be satisfaction and fun.

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Old 10-08-2016, 03:19 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Tip
Your age as a player shows.

If a player is rushing to cap, then no zone will matter. Especially on s1, they will nom trophies and pl and w/e. If a player is playing along, paying attention to quests and learning gear and exploring resourcing/crafting/etc,

well. i'm going by when i was capping i wanted to keep all my skills to level. so i stopped every 10 ish levels to up them. that'd be when new zones would have helped me as a new player. but true. lot of new players got awful support skills and ask for nearly useless pls.

then more zones before the real mindless grind of cap - where dealing with only higher and higher blacks and the feeling trophies are worthless - would be awesome.

unless a new player talks to caps a bit they won't know cap is such a mindless grind. you kinda gotta experience it for yourself to realize how enjoyable the low levels are compared to cap. i can agree being low is more fun than cap only because i am cap.

But... everyone knows i don't prefer cap life. To me it's stagnation, I'm not pvp so have no massive reason to out do myself or others - not a competitive person all around. I know pilly is same way kinda, but at least it's a goal, a test... where as plain cap for the never within reach princess >,> feels much less satisfying.

So anyway: There is also the factor of a player taking longer in low levels (basically all non cap levels) can encourage more of the small incomes. For example, someone plays and is hooked but caps a toon that is a worthy gold farmer (to even become several such toons) will mean they don't need to spend as much irl money... And for people with limited entertainment budget, they will gladly do that. It is very common for us all to encourage new players to cap just for that fact - to buy tcs using in game gold.

If we want the game here, it has to make money. For players to play for the game (great community not including that in the my points) there must be satisfaction and fun.

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aside from what i said above not much else i can say. it's a matter of perspective i guess :{
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Old 10-09-2016, 12:41 AM   #7
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Old 10-09-2016, 11:21 AM   #8
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Nodiatis is almost a different game from when I started.
There used to be a new PKer every week, items getting looted, people getting PKKd. Everyone alive in chat, and tons of trolling. Back then, there was no rerolling, no 'keep your character's birthdate', no keeping of travelling gear, and no remorse. People would group up to indefinitely fight higher level bosses to kill them, because there was no berserk/enraged.

Now, the game is different. There is no trolling on forums, a lot of the game has stagnated; the original people that made the game dynamic, have either been banned, or left from the increasing stagnation. You cannot be a successful PK at cap without legendaries, but they are also too expensive to PK in, when you know you'll get PKKd, there's also no way to redeem as there are almost no PKs to redeem off of. There's almost nothing new to explore as a community, except which build is the next best build. The endgame is a mindless clickfest to get better than the next guy with awesome tempers and a higher tier of legendary items.

To change this, we need to bring in new players, and retain them, with a little bit of variety and ease of process to the game. That's fundamental to keeping the game alive, and making it grow. We also need to rethink the way PK is done, the system is outdated, as evident by lack of use.

In short, I support the idea to give new players more variety to keep them here to help the game grow.
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Old 10-09-2016, 06:02 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Turkeygoesmoo
Nodiatis is almost a different game from when I started.
There used to be a new PKer every week, items getting looted, people getting PKKd. Everyone alive in chat, and tons of trolling. Back then, there was no rerolling, no 'keep your character's birthdate', no keeping of travelling gear, and no remorse. People would group up to indefinitely fight higher level bosses to kill them, because there was no berserk/enraged.

Now, the game is different. There is no trolling on forums, a lot of the game has stagnated; the original people that made the game dynamic, have either been banned, or left from the increasing stagnation. You cannot be a successful PK at cap without legendaries, but they are also too expensive to PK in, when you know you'll get PKKd, there's also no way to redeem as there are almost no PKs to redeem off of. There's almost nothing new to explore as a community, except which build is the next best build. The endgame is a mindless clickfest to get better than the next guy with awesome tempers and a higher tier of legendary items.

To change this, we need to bring in new players, and retain them, with a little bit of variety and ease of process to the game. That's fundamental to keeping the game alive, and making it grow. We also need to rethink the way PK is done, the system is outdated, as evident by lack of use.

In short, I support the idea to give new players more variety to keep them here to help the game grow.
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