Double cast archer guide needed
Old 09-27-2016, 11:11 AM   #1
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Smile Double cast archer guide needed

Hello fellow experienced players.

I'm looking for basic guide to build double cast archer (I heard it's viable on high lvl zones with fast kill speed)

Basically I need to know which class to pick and what equipment to aim for. Also stats balance etc .

I will do it at S2 so I'm limited to resources there.

I think double cast spear (conjuration ?) Opal quiver and bow of sirens + Raiden sleeves /legs is a way to go (luckily available). I preferably want option to switch to staff for lower zones for quick dd pew pew.

I learned base mechanics and I'm doing well however I'm noob to high zones and never made it over pit.

I acumulated gold and resources to get me started.

I'll really appreciate honest opinions and help/guide in that matter.
Thank you.
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Old 09-27-2016, 11:57 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Joanna
Hello fellow experienced players.

I'm looking for basic guide to build double cast archer (I heard it's viable on high lvl zones with fast kill speed)

Basically I need to know which class to pick and what equipment to aim for. Also stats balance etc .

I will do it at S2 so I'm limited to resources there.

I think double cast spear (conjuration ?) Opal quiver and bow of sirens + Raiden sleeves /legs is a way to go (luckily available). I preferably want option to switch to staff for lower zones for quick dd pew pew.

I learned base mechanics and I'm doing well however I'm noob to high zones and never made it over pit.

I acumulated gold and resources to get me started.

I'll really appreciate honest opinions and help/guide in that matter.
Thank you.
Frankly runes are a HUGE part of build. If you lack the runes the build won't be nearly as effective as on s1.

r6 manatic (+150% mana regen)
r6 euphoric (+75% mana regen)
r6 clarifying (+80 mre (100 after stat enhancement) optional.. might be needed if s2 lacks big stoners...and it never hurts)
r5-6 mana theft. You can do without the rest i guess.
Runes like assurance, pain, vamp, etc depending on the situation would fill in other slots.

If you can meet the rune requirements you wanna aim for at least a solid 800 mre imo. You can cast with lower but... the more the better. Even 1.2k can't perma cast so the more you got the more comfortable it is for casting. I normally hang in the mid 900s. Mid 1000s PvP. Magic.. something like 400-500 Cnc and 400-600 Int. Defense pure Cnt if you got enough Hp to ignore Dur. Recovery 140 100% in Mre. (You redistribute it into regen if you wanna farm super high but for normal farming all Mre). Dex is basically unneeded if you use Thraki+Fang Spear. 15%+25%+11%+20% hit chance op. 54.6% hit chance for ranged assuming everything works same as double cast chance.

Armorwise... 4 Raidens for arms/legs. Bp... your options are mainly demonskull, spellbound, and raiden. S1 is pretty divided on Spellbound vs Demonskull. Not many use raiden. Hard to say which is better so choose whichever you want. Spellbound boosts all gem damage. Meanwhile Demonskull only boosts gem and bow max damage. Also pet if you use whip. Finally the helm. Spellbound or Zirconethyst helm. For them it's mostly stats since proc is same.
Spellbound gives 5 Int 3 Cnc 5 Mst for useful stats 2 Str 4 Pre only useful for when you're picking negs.
Zirc helm gives 2 Dex 3 Int 3 Mst 4 Cnt 5 Dur for useful and 1 Agi for the meh.
So Spellbound helps magic more but Zirc gives useful stats in several areas. Spellbound is normal choice. I personally use Zirc because I cba to morph to Spellbound and I had Zirc beforehand.

Archery set wise. I don't know what lgs s2 has so I'll name all the ones s1 uses. Sorry if you don't have them.
Quivers: Opalescence Quiver is basically always used. Never really see another.
Arrows: Fateseal arrow is the common PvE. Degen or Fateseal in PvP. Arrow of Oceans (+7% mana regen) is used sometimes.
Bow: 2 main options. Thraki or Bow of the Siren. Bow of the Siren gives more double cast chance. (Exact chance varies on other gear) Thraki however gives triple and quad cast chance. Both bows are good depending on what your melee weapon is.

By the way. To calculate double cast chance you're calculating the chances of it failing. So: t1 Fang Spear+t1 Thraki's Fury+t1 Opalescence Quiver. 1-(0.75(spear)*0.77(quiver)*0.93(thraki) )= 0.462925 x100 = dc chance. You can just move the decimal if that's too much work. ie 46.2925% double cast chance.

Weapon/shield slots:
If double cast dd had an insignia... it'd be the Fang Spear. That spear is god's (Glitch's) gift to double casters. With that op 20% hit chance you don't really need much Cnc. With that op 25% double cast chance you can double cast more, and it has decent stats too. It and Helkok are prolly the 2 most op lgs in the game.

So 2h is pretty obvious. However that's dps. If you wanna farm high end or PvP in arena being tanky doesn't hurt. For 1h w/ shield setup the shield is easy.
You aren't a tank. You lack Agi and Str. What shield still is op in this situation?
Hellram shield. That op AC boost proc.
For the 1h slot.. there are several choices, but only 2 really good I think. Lick of Death and Irresolution Whip. the Irre whip degen proc only happens if you autoattack. That aside. Irre whip vs LoD is just like Thraki vs Siren. Irre gives more double cast chance. LoD gives triple/quad chance. So use LoD+Siren or Thraki+Irre imo. When using piercer I'd use Thraki.

Why not Beguiler's Blade? or Hydra Fang Dagger? Neither give hit chance. It's not like archer dds are running around with 1k Cnc to land these gems. We've got 400-500. The piercer gives us 20% hit chance. Assurance another 11%. That's why we work with low cnc. LoD and Irre whip both give 10% hit chance on top of 3.5% multi cast/10% double cast respectively. (If you get Lick of Death..note it gets VERY op uptier t1-t2. t2-t3 is meh tho so just stop at t2 til everything else is op).

Gemwise. Archers do NOT get a bonus to green gems like staff. so go for a full red dd pouch. Use heavy gems. Focused Defense Aura (lg gem) if s2 has it. Without staff, deft casting Fda is nice for the haste. Obviously Flame Call for another opener aura. Do not keep these auras out tho PvE. Unless you're farming high end so you need to keep out Sacri with recast dds... don't keep any auras. Shatter immediately after fight starts and be deft full fight. I really don't know what epic dds s2 has so just make the most op red pouch you can. Use greens to fill in if you can't get full red pouch.

Classes: Warlock primary (archer only gets boost to red dds so boost it another 15%) and then Wizard secondary (another 8% to red. and 8% to green if you're stuck with them). Other options include Regener which may be required if your runes are lacking..

Pets: Mongos, Stalkers, Timmies. Timmies for super high end farming. Stalkers for mid end. Mongos to help with comfortable low end farming. Using slow lorises (rare version of mongos) and vamp rune can do up to pit ish. After that gets a bit hard without ac pot.

For enchanting stones... stone all gear with as big of +mre stones as possible. No matter what. you can redistribute recovery if you want something to change. stones are forever. (generally).

So let's see.. gear...stats...stones...gems..classes... think I covered everything. If you got any further questions post here or pm Alana on S1 and I'll answer to the best of my ability.

Others may disagree with me so choose what you think is best out of the avenues offered :{

Last edited by Blaze; 02-19-2017 at 10:45 AM..
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Old 09-27-2016, 12:28 PM   #3
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Thank you. That's very helpfull guide.

We still at r5 runes but by time I get this build up and running it should get better (worst case scenario I can sponsor one)

BTW is it better to shoot with bow or autoattack with spear ?
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Old 09-27-2016, 02:08 PM   #4
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shoot by far. my piercer hits for 58 while i can do 12k trishots.
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Old 09-28-2016, 05:11 AM   #5
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If it comes to melee stats . I assume only some dex is needed . How much is sufficient to make bow viable?
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Old 09-28-2016, 10:37 AM   #6
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That is part of the beauty of piecer+assurance rune+trained eye. I got 140 dex (all from gear) and still hit a ton with my bow. You can go for more if you wanna sacrifice a bit of defense but won't change a lot
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Old 09-29-2016, 11:27 PM   #7
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thanks for the tips

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Old 09-30-2016, 03:49 AM   #8
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Dan needed teh tips sp he'd stop sucking
Praise the hindu gods!
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Old 09-30-2016, 06:19 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by danielrox
thanks for the tips
Maybe now you'll stop sucking and do 142 solo and 134 hero solo :{

Last edited by Blaze; 02-19-2017 at 10:43 AM..
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Old 02-19-2017, 10:15 AM   #10
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how did this turn out anyway
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Old 02-19-2017, 10:28 AM   #11
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btw for stats and more mana raiden helmet is a good option too , it has 12% mre bonus , as for pets i would go with slow loris or mongo the sly
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Old 02-21-2017, 09:53 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Blaze
how did this turn out anyway
It's moving along since I know what to do.

Still gotta grind for few weeks to find silk for missing LG's .

S2 is very challenging if it comes to things that drops . Other resourcing are OK as you can focus on it. Silk is pure luck and I was dry for last month. Red woods seems to be capped at t22. Usually it's below t15
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