change to pking
Old 09-26-2016, 05:58 PM   #1
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Default change to pking

i know this'll prolly get called an easy button and this and that "don't change pking to this easy crap blah blah blah" that always comes up for things that makes pking more viable but..

as is no one pks. cuz frankly a few minutes of thrill isn't worth 2 years of farming down the drain. so my change would be to death

if a pk dies instead of losing everything he only loses what he has on him. ie his gem pouch and his inventory stuff.

this means caps can leave their gear in storage in say stronhad. and still have fun as a pk in crappy gear.

you would lose the gear on you so if a cap was farming in their real suit as pk and died they'd lose the real suit. so it still has some high risk if they don't redeem and wanna farm.

i'd keep lg redeem the same though. if they don't have above 1 mil in legendary sts value make them lose everything so they still pay a price to stop nubs with 96 uncommon suit running around.

if they died like this they'd stop being pk and remain with all their skills. they could use their real suit from storage and go back to normal. however they'd lose all travel gear since that's in inventory so would need to go get those again.

it prolly won't change a lot but maybe some caps will pk for fun?
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Old 09-26-2016, 05:58 PM   #2
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Old 09-27-2016, 05:32 AM   #3
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Support, a little changes should be made .

Established characters with uptiered LG's should have option to go for some thrill adventure without putting at stake years of hard work.

A quick idea:

Make seer to sell "Pk insurance"let's say for 5-10 M gold .
When you get pkk this gold goes to person that killed you and you are redeemed.

The way it is now Pks are barely worth 1M gold as its usually alts of bored players.

With my idea i see lots of action and fun going on
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Old 09-27-2016, 08:33 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Joanna
Support, a little changes should be made .

A quick idea:

Make seer to sell "Pk insurance"let's say for 5-10 M gold .
When you get pkk this gold goes to person that killed you and you are redeemed.

Holy balls Batman!! This idea is great! Pay seer 10 mil to to be able to go PK and then go spreeing, keeping everything as normal (looting and such). If you get PKK'd, they get the fee paid to the seer as reward, minus goblin tax ofc (gold sink).
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Old 09-27-2016, 09:32 AM   #5
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i agree that pking does need attention, support

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Old 09-27-2016, 05:31 PM   #6
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PK insurance is a great idea! *watches PKs spend every last gold before going PK*
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Old 09-27-2016, 05:40 PM   #7
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It's not just the high value of equipment worn, which is absolutely needed to PK late-game, it's also that compared to a few years ago, there are not as many individual players.
If someone PKs now, no one goes after him, they just hide in the town and wait.
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Old 09-28-2016, 12:02 AM   #8
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Zero support, this is another request for no-risk PKing.

It'll be called an 'easy button' because that's exactly what it is.

Originally Posted by Glitchless
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Old 09-28-2016, 02:57 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Enduir
Zero support, this is another request for no-risk PKing.

It'll be called an 'easy button' because that's exactly what it is.
to get above 1m social value it's ~10m risk. depending on how fast you die that could be a gamble. and you'll still lose everything if you die while farming so unless you redeem every 1-2 weeks to farm you still have some risk.

cba to argue further tho. i have no plans to go pk whether or not this gets implemented since i find the whole wait 30 minute thing the most boring thing in nod. dun care much if it gets implemented or not.
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Old 09-28-2016, 03:43 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Enduir
Zero support, this is another request for no-risk PKing.

It'll be called an 'easy button' because that's exactly what it is.
Risk > reward. The current system must have worked great when the most people had were 99 epics, not t8 lg armor and t6 lg weapons.

Now, with risk much greater than reward, some changes are needed so risk=reward. Maybe increasing the reward rather than lowering the risk is the answer.
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Old 09-28-2016, 06:28 AM   #11
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If you think through my idea (Mr Enduir aka Plarpus Aurelius )
It is not and easy button and in fact it rewards people who pkk.

1.Right now there is no Pk in nod that could get you 1-2 mil gold after you kill them because they run with cheap gear and keep gold and valuables on alts/mains.

2.Those who do have lots of goods and gold -simply won't go Pk because risk greater than reward and since people are on boon or got skills capped there is absolutely no incentive to it other than thrill

3. Insurance is an option for making Pk alive. People will go for it just to show how good they are or to spank someone who gets on their nerves.

4 . People who actually manage to pkk such brave soul will see guaranteed 10 mil reward (less taxes)

5 since Pk is no longer any better than being on boon (except non sb trophies on kill day) a new incentive should be implemented. Maybe extra tier in resourcing , extra gold bonus or maybe reduced penalty on adventuring to 90% ?
(Is easy to catch tw pk)

Just think as whole picture. Game has change since pk was introduced so pk system should be adjusted (mostly because boon killed it)

My 2 cents.
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Old 09-28-2016, 12:41 PM   #12
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I invested lots of time into Pks in the past to get my learnings, adventure, resource skills etc into a high level, then boon came along and gave it to everybody who rerolled. That ruined most about pking for me except for the rush

At this point in the game many regular players have multiple uptiered legendary gear. Not to mention epic and legendary gems, Worth hundreds of millions. As well as high tempered gear x7 and x8s, worth millions in their own right. Nobody would willingly risk that for the current pk bonuses.

I have many legendary armor/weapons/gems on my toon, there is not a bonus you could think of, that would make me risk it all.

The pk system needs to advance with the game, it hasnt in years. Which is unfortunate because it was one aspect that really drew me to this game.

I like the insurance ideas been mentioned. Paying x amount of gold, and only losing that upon pkk, but i would like it to be a large number maybe 25m, x3 gold might bring about more pks also
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Old 09-28-2016, 05:24 PM   #13
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TBH, I don't have much support for the PK insurance thing. Don't lower the risk, instead, increase the reward.

My idea is that when number of PK points is 1000x higher than the max level of the PK, then pk bonuses will work on epic skills when it normally would not. That's a LOOOOOOOONG ways away, considering the most PK points is bump with 23.5k but it might encourage people to start PKing again.

Before you fling poo at me over the idea above, this is just an idea, there are other things that can be buffed as well, or brand new bonuses for PKs as well.
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Old 09-28-2016, 08:13 PM   #14
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Just like Paul said, tho Im not as rich as him, with current PK system I wouldnt risk any of my stuff ether.

Atropos SELL/BUY thread

Some useful links:
Trojan's Transparent Legendary Pictures
S1: DTM Inc Crafting Thread

Originally Posted by Glitchless
Atropos is correct.
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Old 09-29-2016, 06:18 AM   #15
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My objection wasn't so much to the insurance as to the suggested cost. A couple of hours boss farming to allow a toon to kill and loot with impunity just isn't enough IMO. Between TPs, resources, epic tools, heroics, essences, a strong toon could likely make 5 mil profit in N Lake within minutes.

Insurance or something similar that scales with the value of all your SB gear, tier included? Might support that.

Originally Posted by Glitchless
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Old 09-29-2016, 08:43 AM   #16
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All of you guys have valid points.

There is hard to agree on golden solution as pk shouldn't be for rich players only. Besides S1 and s2 economy is completely different and amount of gold on s2 is very low.

Everyone agreed some changes needs to be made.

To go further I would allow people to right click on item and make it SB. Like epic tools etc.

Being pk should benefit player and make it better than boon. It shouldn't be all about things you can steal. Most Pks used to kill for status anyway not for stealing.

As I mentioned before : one of ideas would be reduced penalties on adventuring or perhaps double amount of resources (those 2 activities are most risky)

There is open discussion about it and all ideas are welcome .

Last edited by Joanna; 09-29-2016 at 08:47 AM..
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Old 09-29-2016, 12:37 PM   #17
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Surprising this thread is still going on. Generally this long with no comment from glitch means scrap it.
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Old 09-29-2016, 01:32 PM   #18
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I've seen glitch respond to several week old threads
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Old 09-30-2016, 08:34 AM   #19
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I would be patient with Glitchless response. I'm sure he gave it some thoughts.

He is only one that knows what's coming up in next patches.

Maybe pk as we know it won't exist in the future (real pk is dead already) and just maybe "siege craft"? Update will have new pk system included and will have more complex mechanics that benefits clans as well.

Yes . PK system is overtaken by boon and there is no incentive to be one.

However there is so many directions game can go from here and since many changes has been made over years , old systems has to be revisited and adjusted.

It goes for epics too as they got killed by introducing of LG.

Fix ? Make epics uptierable and change their ability to be unique: like grants extra exp in certain skills like adventuring , crafting etc. Reduce mana/energy cost while crafting and so on. Even tho Noone will wear them during fight but still people will want them to have to perform certain activities .

There is endless possibilities and Glitchless time is limited. The most wanted thread is a great idea to focus on few most important things.
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Old 10-10-2016, 11:59 AM   #20
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insurance is just free redeem.....

alt kills you (or friend) geefs back golds - you successfully rampaged N lake for stuff and redeemed in 10 mins for the tax - covered by 1 epic tool.

needs something tho - not sure this is it.
Id rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.
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