Old 10-13-2016, 08:22 AM   #21
Gem Pouch Expert
Joanna is offline
Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 496

Ahhh right. . Forgot people will look for ways to exploit it...

In that case 20 goes to seer 10 to pkk

It used to be (from what I heard) that pk got triple gold from chests

I think best fix would be allow pk to have triple (or double at least) amount of resourcess pulled.

Why it's fair?

It's easy to catch pk while he/she is resourcing (oppose to escape from fighting monster)

People who would wanna take safer advantage of it would need to create alt that cannot exceed 76 in level to stay away from caps. Not to mention there will be no access to lvl 80 skills and such toon will need to be over skilled enough to comfortably solo n lake heroic.

It's a lot of investment with potential of return but still a gamble .

How about that ?
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Old 10-13-2016, 01:39 PM   #22
Boss Hunter
RavenShadow is offline
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 103

I feel as if there are a number of people that already spread around the map pretty well without being found, and if this was to be implemented, the resource stockpile would go up some and the prices would ultimately come down which wouldn't be a bad thing. Although people may find a way to exploit this through team farming and avoiding caps and ultimately be uber gold diggers.
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