I had a moment of irradiation last night, and came up with an idea for a new class. This suggestion involves a brand new skill line and related weapons and items. Would be cool to have guns in Nodiatis, c'mon bring the gun powder and bullets!!!
Load up your guns boys, lets start!
Gunslingers begin with 10% bonus to all min ranged damage (up to 30% with classenchancing skills)
Class ability: Assassinate - provides the gunslinger with 3 gun attacks that cant be avoided or blocked. 1 Minute cooldown.
Its a class with a lot of choices to stat investment, high ranged bloodlets and good min damage that can ignore AC, almost like ranged Piercers.
Gunslingers use Guns, the new line of weapons. The guns are equiped to the weapon slots (Not archery, but you are still able to wear archery gear with guns). There are only 2h Rifles/Guns. They cant be equiped with Shields nor Melee weapons. Basicaly guns have high attack frequency and high min damage.
Stat mechanics:
Gunlingers rely heavily on Concentration. Gun attacks are Ranged attacks.
Ranged Block Chance: Defender's (Str+Agi)/2 vs Attacker's Cnc
Ranged Parry Chance: None
Gun Hit Chance: Attacker's CNC vs Defender's Agi
Gun Damage Curve: Attacker's CNC vs Defender's AC
GUNSLINGER Skill line:
Gun mastery: This is your prowess with guns.
Critical shot: Provides up to 35% chance to crit with gun shots.
Barrage: Provides up to 20% chance to do tripple attack with the gun.
Armor penentration: Provides up to 100% to do instant Bloodlet with every gun shot as your gun weapon min damage.
Snipery: Provides up to 10% extra chance to hit with all gun shots.
Gun spec: Increases min gun damage up to 50%.
Stray Bullet: Provides up to 30% to fire an additional attack to random non target enemy.
Headshot: Provides up to 40% chance to ignore targets AC with gun attacks.
Silver bullet: Provides up to 40% to forsake the target with each gun shot, dealing 60 Cursed damage over 60 seconds with unlimited stacking. This skill will not work if your Rusty Bullet skill is higher.
Rusty bullet: Provides up to 20% to Desease the target with each gun shot, dealing 180 Deasease damage over 180 seconds with unlimited stacking. This skill will not work if your Silver Bullet skill is higher.
Execution: Provides up to 100% chance with every succesfull gun shot for all Desease and Forsaken damage to imideately do their full damage.
Witch slaying: Deals up to 10% more gun and Curse damage to targets with a Staff.
Take aim: With every gun shot you land in combat will increase your min ranged damage. You will deal 50% more min damage after 50 shots.
Instant Load: Decreases your Gun weapon delay by up to 25%.