Note from Glitchless: "All Legendary weapons have the same base accuracy. You see different accuracies in these screenshots due to varying levels of epicurious from the picture takers".
It makes my heart happy that the image used for hog is from one of mine . Has the same exact enchant and you can see my ds sleeves and reg bp pre-morphing . Oh, and the at the time extra nooby weight limit is a dead giveaway xD
I've only seen the watch once, which was a while back. Maybe it is actually a bug with image hosting.
nah. even if he edits image with watch my quote will remain same :{ so this list is perma/can't get messed up. if it is a bug... wonder if it'll happen to the pics on this thread then.
idc about stealing fame. it's annoying when i go to look at lgs and it's a giant freaking watch tho. idc if no one uses this thread. for personal use alone it'll be useful to me :{