For crafter a good improvment just was coming.
So i was testing how will help to make thread. To make 10 thread in old fashion way took me 101 seconds and in new way took me 82 seconds. So... for 10 threads, improvement is faster only with 19 seconds. So... for 100 threads can gain about 3 minutes, and for 1000 threads can be faster with about 30 minutes.
I was hoping this new emprovment will allow to craft entirely stack of resources. Also to craft entirely stack of lets say... TP's of potions. At least will be good to allow to craft entirely stack with epic tools.
Now let say for crafters was a nice emprovment.
Let think how can be a good emprovevement for adventurer ppl.
How about to select and activate option named "Adventuring" or "Town traveler" and press mouse on a town and character will move by himself till that town.
When he enter in town will stop, and the user will press to new town where he want to reach.
For example, going from T2 in T4 and then T5. After he arrived in T5, select "Adventuring" or "Town traveler" option with mouse and press the T4 town. At this time the character will automatically go to T4 town.
Once arrived in T4 we press again with mouse on T5 town and and character will automatically goes to T5 town.
Of course, when he meet mobs, normal battle will occur and, after each fight, the user need to click again with the mouse on the city where it was heading and then the character will automatically goes toward that city.
...but for that i will open new thread