Outbreak Rework
Old 09-13-2016, 02:47 PM   #1
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Default Outbreak Rework

I know DoTs rework is a taboo subject for nodders here. But since I heard many players saying that "meh, dot wasn't much in the last 3v3 premade" I thought of a rework that would benefit dotters in 3v3, of course at the cost of dps.

Outbreak will have a 25% (10% previously) chance of occurring (10% for non staff users instead of 2% ?) with a 10% (25% previously) increase in damage and apply the effect to all enemies.

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Old 09-13-2016, 03:26 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by marzus
I know DoTs rework is a taboo subject for nodders here. But since I heard many players saying that "meh, dot wasn't much in the last 3v3 premade" I thought of a rework that would benefit dotters in 3v3, of course at the cost of dps.

Outbreak will have a 25% (10% previously) chance of occurring (10% for non staff users instead of 2% ?) with a 10% (25% previously) increase in damage and apply the effect to all enemies.

i question how this would help dot :{ the thing that mainly stopped dot was the healers. just cuz your aoe chance goes up a bit it won't make it suddenly more viable to make a duo dot team again.

whether it gets implemented or not it's only minor change. not saying dot needs a buff or nerf but feels like waste of patch. with fda any team with healer+anti drain staff will still be just as much trouble with this buff and kill you as without. and the teams who don't have that combo you beat anyway right? i mean without healer it's just pop pop pop
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