Originally Posted by Soxson
As a fellow trapper, I support the trapper buff.
Enough thinking for myself. I personally think the trapper class good enough. X% bonus to all resourcing pulls is pretty good. The problem is when you run out of skills to level up in resourcing. At least endure will prevent that from happening for the next few years. I would be happy if trapper bonus gave +1 tier to all resources, but then that's thinking for myself and would be too OP.
Yeah the boost would need to be small but significant. We were talking in Chaos +1 all the time would likely be too much but if it was a small but worthwhile boost it may make more people interested. Thanks for the input!
Originally Posted by King
getting flashbacks of school tests ._. halp. it's nightmare
doesn't adventurer already got the bonus you suggested?
trapper sure support i guess. perhaps 8% up to 24% chance like normal bonuses
craftsman glitch is gonna be making things similar to this in future i think for everyone so need something else
Flashbacks are great, now write me 5 more posts and you will pass the test. :P
Well it looks like after looking a bit adventurers do have the bonus stated but it's buffed passively through the SA which is interesting. Lollygag - Always passively reduces your chance of encountering enemy creatures while traveling. Also allows you to tickle enemies once every 2 minutes with plants you collect along your merry way.
Scratch the advent idea I guess I am blind
As for trapper, I feel those are good percentages. Not too strong but not too weak by any means.
I have seen some discussion about the crafting changes. Part of my suggestion is that it would be interesting to have it only tie to the class to give that class more value and would make players choose craftsman if they want the option to craft that way.
Other ideas for crafting: could be speeding up crafting timer, the ability to craft X(up to X*3) levels beyond your current skill level, Saving materials since you are crafty could be useful but would be overkill when you look at LGs. It is hard to think of things that are not too overpowered for craftsman.
Thanks for the input