Anon 3v3 arena tokens
Old 09-07-2016, 05:19 PM   #1
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Default Anon 3v3 arena tokens

In arena most of us go through the grind in order to temper our gear. Honestly its the only point of doing arena for the full season.

In anon 3v3 arena you gain 3 tokens for a win and 1 token for a loss (6 and 2 for full virts). Aren goes anywhere between 4-6 months, typically around the 5th month (example the last season started on march 21, ended august 20th, 5 months). In this season we gain 400 matches at the start, 40 per daily reset, and with last 3v3 anon as referance the 400 cap will be refreshed for rush.

This means we will have at max, 4-6 months (ending roughly end of december-february) or 122-181 days of arena. This equals (122*40 + 800 - 181*40 + 800) 5680 - 8040 matchs of arena available this season.

Assuming you are a very strong toon and could maintain a 80% win/loss over the course of the season (as of now 4 toons have over 80% W/L with 81%-84%). You would have won 4544 matchs and lost 1136 matchs, for a total of 29 536 tokens OR 6432 won 1608 lost for a total of 41 808 tokens.

Chances are it will be around the 5th month so something like 150ish days of arena. So 5440 wins 1360 losses. 35 360 tokens. This is Five 8x tempers with enough left over for a 7x and a 6x temper. For doing 40 matchs a day + burning through stock of 400 twice.... it seems like you dont get enough reward for dedicating all of that time towards arena. ESPECIALLY since VERY few toons will manage 80% w/L over the course of the entire season.

On top of this in less then 2 weeks of arena starting there are already 5 people over 2k rating. If last 3v3 anon season is any indication people will finish with insanely high ratings ( 3980 being 10th last 3v3 anon). It seems a bit of a slap to the face for people to have all this rating, grinding for months and months only to be able to get a couple high tempers.

Because of this i think it would be a good idea to give a increase # of tokens per win once you reach certain ratings. Either every 500 rating or every 1000 rating.

TL.DR I think there should be token increases every 500 or 1000 rating so that people can feel accomplishments for grinding through the entire arena season.

Last edited by Freakymagic; 09-07-2016 at 05:27 PM..
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Old 09-07-2016, 05:27 PM   #2
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I'm still for shorter seasons (2-3 months, maybe 4) and double tokens, but rating wise tokens seem like a good idea.
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Old 09-07-2016, 05:29 PM   #3
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I totally agree, it is much needed as well... in my opinion, 1 extra token every 500 rating capping at 3.5k perhaps should be just about right.

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Old 09-07-2016, 06:36 PM   #4
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^ that they said. im sure the most vote for arena format was shorter seasons by the whole player base. more tokens would be better for every 1 as 3 - 5 months of constantly dedicating ourselfs to 2 - 4 hours of queues depending on speed.

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Old 09-07-2016, 06:45 PM   #5
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