Old 09-04-2016, 08:25 PM   #1
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soo when is a actual counter for drains coming out? not to seem insulting but a staff only casters can use is a bit of a joke along the same lines as degen arrow for archers or better yet bm's using degen arrow with fleshies. not that it effects me anymore or rather atm since dropped all regen and die stupidly easy. but drains impact everyone but casters that can afford to get super high mre or pre or rather have to to cast. ive gone to stupidly high amounts of mre or pre as a melee (400 with zirco hemlet and r6 regen runes) and it still cant stand to drains. 1 drain it can but a double cast or anything more and done. as a person who at the time supported a drain buff i felt pretty silly afterwords.

while mentioning degen the degen hammer or blighted bludgeon should really be looked at. the damage is.. decent, but its so slow paired with any kind of miss/parry ect the proc might as well not even be there, and when it does hit it doesnt even work most the time cause such low chance making it a very ineffective anti regen item. it should imo be 100% same as degen arrow, especially considering unlike degen arrow it puts the proc on yourself as well

thanks for reading and seriously no insults meant just cant think to word it all any other way atm.

this has been another liquid courage posting buy your sometimes friendly nem...

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Old 09-04-2016, 08:32 PM   #2
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i support there needs to be a drain counter... i also agree that all degen items should be equal to each other, or at least proc the same amount.

Broke 4k pet crit :O Buff BM nao!
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Old 09-04-2016, 10:19 PM   #3
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for drains they're not op in 3v3 anymore and glitch has stated he doesn't care about 1v1 balance... so wouldn't hold my breath there. might be a random lg at some point for it but who knows when.
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Old 09-05-2016, 12:21 AM   #4
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I dont support a drain counter. Main reason is that the only way a caster can counter regen is via Rule of Law. If you take out the drains there is no way Rule of Law could do something anymore.

And no, the thefts wont do it, players would spam with 4 impervious in their pouch.
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Old 09-06-2016, 07:02 AM   #5
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only way caster can counter drain is with rule of law aura? so dotters have not been killing regen users in the past then cause its not like you cant rupture for more hp than they have right? especially once you factor in damage bonus right
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Old 09-06-2016, 09:33 AM   #6
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With some kind of anti-drain system, high end boss runs might be possible. Impervious takes up valuable gem slots that reduce a caster's deft and force tanks to make tougher decisions on the number of taunts, sacri, resist auras, etc in play.
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Old 09-09-2016, 09:05 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Soxson
With some kind of anti-drain system, high end boss runs might be possible. Impervious takes up valuable gem slots that reduce a caster's deft and force tanks to make tougher decisions on the number of taunts, sacri, resist auras, etc in play.
Drains, not vamps.

Regarding the topic, I personally still believe it's ridiculous that you can cast a handful of drains on a target, and they subsequently can't use any gems for the next 20 seconds. It removes any kind of counterplay on the individuals part, and just leaves them at the mercy of the caster (who's typically running DoTs too).

There's a reason why DoTs used to be so strong in arena (and are in this current setup), and it's because they could actually kill people who use regen. The ability to essentially one-shot people when you get a high enough stack shouldn't be overlooked.

Also important to mention, you need to run approx ~170 pre/mre with euph/manergy runes in order to upkeep gems while a DoTer is using mana/energy draw runes (more if you're not running euph), assuming you don't have equivalent cnt to cnc. Point here being, it's not hard at all to drain someone, and then have RoL stop their regen, it just forces you to actually use the shatter button.

I don't see why an epic impervious gem that removes/stops drain effects would be too out of the question. It forces you to keep the gem up alongside sacri, limiting your ability to quickly draw gems/prevents, whilst not forcing you to watch your team die as you try to taunt for a good 10 seconds.

~A disgruntled taunter.
Originally Posted by danielrox
omg i tiered my lod to t2 then to t3 but it gave me smaller? can i plz get a new one that works or a full refund in cash? ty in advance
Originally Posted by Turkeygoesmoo
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Old 09-09-2016, 11:03 AM   #8
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As much as I hate drains (I often get drained with a staff and 400-600 mre/pre) I do not want to see them countered more. Regen is still more of a problem in 3v3 anon and the current counter rule of law is ineffective for most to use, and flesheaters can only be used efficiently by whippers and degen arrow for archers. With drains you have the possibility to drain the regen tank and kill teammates. 1v1 drains are needed against people spamming anti caster gems. Another aura or more gear will not help the situation.

Revert drains back to the way they were before the buff, or even buff them but only by 50% of what they were improved by. Make it take more than 1-2 gems to drain someone fully
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Old 09-09-2016, 11:31 AM   #9
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I don't see a reason why people are still whining about dots even when there were so many counters to it released.
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Old 09-09-2016, 11:52 AM   #10
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1h slasher... Sux.
The core ways of stopping dots are...
1) cnt.. no one uses that in this arena.. and even if they did how high is a non tank gonna go..
2) prevents not nearly as effective as in 1v1 arena
3) healers... Paulodjohn is basically only full time healer I see in arena. Ex randomly Q's and redeye went dot. So the don't hold your breath for a healer.

Dot in team and 1v1 arena is fine. But in this arena countering it requires a lot of luck. That's why they're complaining since drains even put quite a stopper on option 2.

I personally don't care about drains since someone would need to stack like 10 on me to drain me instead of being minor annoyance (and not like I get tanks for them to be drained qq). But I can understand why people are upset.

Guessing glitch won't release the epic imperv. My guess is he just adds anti drain proc to whatever lg drops next.
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Old 09-09-2016, 12:17 PM   #11
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Not moaning about DoTs whatsoever, I'm just pointing out that they beat regen fine as is.
Originally Posted by danielrox
omg i tiered my lod to t2 then to t3 but it gave me smaller? can i plz get a new one that works or a full refund in cash? ty in advance
Originally Posted by Turkeygoesmoo
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Old 09-09-2016, 02:51 PM   #12
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Use those dot counter things Glitchless added.

A good regener that wants to beat a dotter will use dot counters. Removing the drains for the sake of unprepared regeners is not a good move, imo.
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