Originally Posted by Soxson
With some kind of anti-drain system, high end boss runs might be possible. Impervious takes up valuable gem slots that reduce a caster's deft and force tanks to make tougher decisions on the number of taunts, sacri, resist auras, etc in play.
Drains, not vamps.
Regarding the topic, I personally still believe it's ridiculous that you can cast a handful of drains on a target, and they subsequently can't use any gems for the next 20 seconds. It removes any kind of counterplay on the individuals part, and just leaves them at the mercy of the caster (who's typically running DoTs too).
There's a reason why DoTs used to be so strong in arena (and are in this current setup), and it's because they could actually kill people who use regen. The ability to essentially one-shot people when you get a high enough stack shouldn't be overlooked.
Also important to mention, you need to run approx ~170 pre/mre with euph/manergy runes in order to upkeep gems while a DoTer is using mana/energy draw runes (more if you're not running euph), assuming you don't have equivalent cnt to cnc. Point here being, it's not hard at all to drain someone, and then have RoL stop their regen, it just forces you to actually use the shatter button.
I don't see why an epic impervious gem that removes/stops drain effects would be too out of the question. It forces you to keep the gem up alongside sacri, limiting your ability to quickly draw gems/prevents, whilst not forcing you to watch your team die as you try to taunt for a good 10 seconds.
~A disgruntled taunter.