Clan territories
Old 08-13-2016, 01:43 PM   #1
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Default Clan territories

take all the zones in nod. each clan owns a % of that territory based on the amount of territory they have. since game has countless clans perhaps only make 50 member+ clans eligible (which would be 20 clans on s1...perhaps a lower limit on s2 since lower population)

any bonus really in clan's territory would be nice. tax was the original start of the idea but everyone would farm in their own clan's territory so meh. perhaps gold bonus or damage bonus or anything really. (perhaps dominance affects the % boost?)

i feel like something needs to be done for dom/terr tho. i mean clans got several times the dominance required for max rank runes so they're useless... and even way more territory than needed

Last edited by Blaze; 08-13-2016 at 01:52 PM..
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Old 08-13-2016, 04:34 PM   #2
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Hmm, only one problem though...who gets UST???

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Old 08-14-2016, 09:42 AM   #3
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ill find my old suggestion for this, it was an epic idea

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Old 08-14-2016, 09:46 AM   #4
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Here is an idea for the Clan system:

Let clans take owner ship of certain zones and collect interest from the Gold Collected in the zone into a central coffer which is dispursed through the clan evenly once a week.

How this will work:

There is an item on a monster in the zone that is sb that you can get as a drop. This item has to be held on one of the clan members in the zone and whoever holds it has to be online (let's call this a title). This tital can be taken through battle (cannot be put into storage) by other clans and the same rules apply.

If someone goes offline with the title, the title goes back into the monsters hands and has to be found again through drops.

POsitives: Clans get a little extra gold and this requires teamwork, and also requires PVP
Negatives: lvl 70's could hold the title pretty easily.

On the side of the negatives hopefully clans will have a lvl 70 or higher levels in them. If not, level up.

Back to my zone title idea:

When light, dark, neutral is implimented, clans that choose to be light or dark can force on eachother without being in war, losing no RP and gaining nothing but the win...

Each zone will have a "title" drop on a mob, a clanny will be able to hold this drop in the zone as long as he doesn't leave. 5% of gold farmed by any clan person in that zone will go towards the title holders clan's Runepower. This title can be taken through light/dark forced combat, or will dissapear if the clanny leaves the zone.

I posted this in 2009

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Old 08-14-2016, 06:41 PM   #5
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those scary level 70s tho.
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Old 08-14-2016, 08:51 PM   #6
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ikr old post

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