Originally Posted by Davross
A few years ago I played a game where clans had a clan vault. The items in the clan vault were 'branded' (soulbound to the clan). High ranking members could send items to players from the clan vault, but they were branded (unable to be sold or traded). In the event the person was kicked or became inactive the high officers (say in this case masters and officers) could simply retrieve the items back to the clan vault. the system worked very well and gave a clan an opportunity to help new recruits with equipment without the risk of being burned.
This is what i like.
I also play a text based game that has clan storage. It stacks items of the same type together and gives the masters/people master gives access to, to lend out items to people at will.
These items stay in clan storage, but are just marked as "Out" so that people know that they arent available yet.
If they leave/get removed, they keep the items until such time as it is recalled, which can be done at any point in time by the master/people in control of it.
This way, nothing gets stolen, everyone can request items that they may need, and it can be recalled back if something goes south, like the player quits the game for awhile, it can be recalled without any problems so that another person can use it.
This would give new players the ability to use items as they level without having to spend heaps of gold as they level on constantly getting new gear.
It would also give higher up clans the ability to muck around more with builds. I can see some of em getting t1 of each lg suit and what not, and going through it all so that its all there, so they can test new builds, or others in the clan can, at will. Without having to respec their main set.
Make the storage expandable based on RP/gold, much like membership is, even the exact same system, but allow it to go alot higher.
Make it so its only gear in there. Not mats. This way its purely to help people with gear, not to store mats for crafting.
Perhaps have another 1 for recipes, and change the clan system up, so you can have focused guilds. Crafting clans, warring clans, farming clans, etc. So that each 1 has a different type of storage it can use, and it cant do everything, so people have reasons to join other clans besides social.
Thats about all i can think about atm.