Dear Glitchy:
Old 03-28-2016, 10:41 AM   #1
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Default Dear Glitchy:

First off let me say thank you for new pet glitchy, it's nice to have a pierce based LG.
Secondly yes I am a piercer so what follows will be biased suggestions, but nothing too OP methinks.

New armor set that boosts minimum damage(like opposite of DS), could be just a little higher percent since it is less usable to most, say t2 adds 3.5-4% min dmg opposed to t2 DS adding 2.5% max.

New 2h piercer, something catered to bloodlet damage at a reduced maximum damage

New weapon could be like 25ish% more minimum damage than expected for the delay, and 25ish% less max. Obviously could be tweaked to make reasonable if this would somehow be too OP or break nod in a way I have not thought of.

Quick bad math example: with my skills and kit (2 hogs, r6 pain rune, r5 whittling pot) I hit 1284 bloodlet damage on a weighted bloodlet crit. My theoretical max according to Daer's calc is 2653. With this new weapon I would hit 1605 bloodlet and 1989.75 max. The total of a max crit and bloodlet is lower with the new weapon to help offset the slightly more consistent damage since as long as you crit and hemorrhage procs bloodlet is consistent so I dun think it would be OP. Would only really be a little stronger than an equivalent piercer if you had some of the aforementioned min dmg armor and 2 hogs.

Just a thought .
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Old 03-28-2016, 11:42 AM   #2
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He has already said he will do an armor set with min damage bonus.

Just waiting now lol.

Anything to boost pierce is welcome IMO. is an under appreciated build and not many try it or use it cause its not cared for at all in terms of parts to help the build. With new pet and the new armor coming (most likely change to older armor) it will help heaps

Originally Posted by Glitchless
However you want to spin it, buddy. This patch was specifically designed to somehow screw you over.

Originally Posted by Glitchless
Tell that to the crybaby archers
Originally Posted by Glitchless
We are well aware of the over-dramatic reactions to game changes in an effort to skew perception. It doesn't work, just makes them look like cry babies.
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Old 03-28-2016, 11:54 AM   #3
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Ah, I must have missed the post about the armor, I know there was a topic but I didn't know he said anything definitive.

My weapon suggestion is obviously a rough idea, with much room for tweaking/improvement. I just thought a bloodlet build would be interesting.
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Old 03-28-2016, 12:30 PM   #4
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Old 04-20-2016, 09:17 AM   #5
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Missed this when it was posted, but I agree with Smash... most things that would give pierce a leg-up would be welcome. As it is, it still feels a very underwhelming build in both PvP and PvE. I guess that's the sacrifice we all make when we choose to forego a caster or BM build.

I'd also like to see pierce weapons get a min damage boost when uptiered. I'm not entirely sure why it is the case that they only receive a bonus to max damage, but I'm sure Glitch has his reasoning.
Originally Posted by danielrox
omg i tiered my lod to t2 then to t3 but it gave me smaller? can i plz get a new one that works or a full refund in cash? ty in advance
Originally Posted by Turkeygoesmoo
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Old 04-23-2016, 05:02 PM   #6
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I think the main issue that pushes away most people from pierce is also the price, for instance a 1handed lg piercer cost 25m, which is equal to a 2h crusher's price, a 2h piercer is about 10m over that too, which is even more ridiculous >_>, with how overpriced it is, and yet not as functional as other builds are it really doesn't help any side, maybe lower the number of leathers required to make them would be helpful
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Old 04-23-2016, 07:17 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Kitty
I think the main issue that pushes away most people from pierce is also the price, for instance a 1handed lg piercer cost 25m, which is equal to a 2h crusher's price, a 2h piercer is about 10m over that too, which is even more ridiculous >_>, with how overpriced it is, and yet not as functional as other builds are it really doesn't help any side, maybe lower the number of leathers required to make them would be helpful
This would be amazing, but crying of unfair would happen

Originally Posted by Glitchless
However you want to spin it, buddy. This patch was specifically designed to somehow screw you over.

Originally Posted by Glitchless
Tell that to the crybaby archers
Originally Posted by Glitchless
We are well aware of the over-dramatic reactions to game changes in an effort to skew perception. It doesn't work, just makes them look like cry babies.
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Old 04-24-2016, 04:51 PM   #8
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100% agreed with Smashy and Imriel, we have been doing our best to make our piercing builds efficient. but we lack the resources to do so. while max damage boosting gear does help piercing, it doesn't help nearly as much as min damage boosting gear would. there are many things to be considered when it comes to buffing Pierce, its been pretty mediocre for years.

1. BUFF puncture. the skill is a JOKE. buff the damage and buff the proc, and don't make it so meaningless in PVP. a 82 damage puncture in PVP is just. buff it to 200 or 300, which wouldn't seem too broken in my opinion. This skill is Negligible, it has practically no purpose with extremely low benefit, and in its defense that it's a "Miti" detector is not a good defense. we'd be able to see if it was a miti detector if it had slightly better damage too, plus if I want to detect miti I can always use Backstab (rogue's class ability), upurs ( warriors class ability) or even with tacticians via peyote ability you can see the damage to detect miti.

2.A minimum damage increase to uptiered piercers. The fact that they don't get an increase to t is not even fair. For a weapon, and build that doesn't primarily do high damage crits should not have an increase to max damage, but to minimum damage, or a little to both. It makes very little sense why piercers don't get a single bonus to minimum damage when uptiered. we piercers are already mediocre as it is, uptiering legendaries is supposed to give a "small bonus" but the small bonus they give is not even what they primarily need the bonus to. which is MINIMUM damage. plus as it was stated earlier, it's roughly 25M gold to craft an LG 1 handed piercer, and 35-40M to craft a LG 2h piercer. if we are putting in the work to buy something, so expensive and uptier it, how is a small boost to minimum damage hurting the game? is it honestly broken, HONESTLY? Me, and smashbros are the ONLY people in the game to uptier a two handed piercer from what I've seen, and its the Spear of Providence. the 1.5% bonus to avoiding blocks and parries was decent, but not ONE damage increase to its minimum damage, when it costs 35M+ to uptier this thing? how is this fair? people complained about the uptier bonus to Tommys, but at least they are nearly half the price of a 2 handed piercer, and they get a bonus to max damage, be it only ONE damage, it is still SOMETHING. Piercers hardly hit max damage, so when we uptier and get bonuses to max damage, we get screwed. Slashers can easily hit 30-40k+ due to slice and dice, and crushers can hit 25-30k+, this is especially due to demonskull gear. but what can piercers hit? 18k deep in bonus? and a small minimum damage increase when uptiering LG's , and minimum damage armor would be broken, how?

3. referring as to what Imriel said earlier in this section, a build involving increased bloodlets. A legendary piercer that increases bloodlets , or armor would be nice, or a buff to the Hemorrhage skill, we need higher bloodlets for real damage. which an increase to minimum damage would also do. But personally, when I think of a legendary piercer that has a proc that would increase bloodlets, I think of a piercing weapon that is similar to that bow that gets a 10x increase to its broadhead skill, would the proc increase bloodlets damage, the chance of it, the hemorrhage skill as a whole, or what? @Imriel

Although it would suck to just get a new weapon, as I
have a Spear of providence , a polearm of purity, a slash and pierce combo, and soon more piercers to come. Having just a new piercer blow them all out the water, would be cool but suck at the same time,. which is true, some weapons are better than others. But when the issue shouldn't be the weapon itself, when the entire build/weapon and/or class is so weak it needs a re-balanced overhaul.

4. THE SPIKE RUNE! : Nobody uses this rune, this rune is horrible. this rune needs a buff, BIG TIME. a Rank 6 version of this rune only adds 6 damage? are you serious? 6 damage! it should add 5-10x that amount. it by far the WORST melee rune, if not the worst rune in the game. this rune SUCKS!

5. Slightly off-topic, but maybe a minimum damage increasing rune, and a max damage increasing rune. We could even get legendary runes, as some clans have stockpiled dom/terr that is not used. Just a thought.

Conclusion : Piercing still heavily needs help, in terms of... everything. We want minimum damage armor. And on a positive note, I have a huge adoration for the hogs, and thank you dearly for that glitch.

P.S. here is a video of my kill-time at goblin swamp boss with my current set-up
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Old 04-24-2016, 04:56 PM   #9
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Old 04-24-2016, 05:06 PM   #10
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All I want is more acknowledgement from glitch on forums posts.
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Old 04-24-2016, 05:21 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Melusinenyxie
All I want is more acknowledgement from glitch on forums posts.
That's all we ever wanted.

Maybe if I throw money at him, he'll acknowledge me.
Originally Posted by danielrox
omg i tiered my lod to t2 then to t3 but it gave me smaller? can i plz get a new one that works or a full refund in cash? ty in advance
Originally Posted by Turkeygoesmoo
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Old 04-24-2016, 07:38 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Brick
That's all we ever wanted.

Maybe if I throw money at him, he'll acknowledge me.
Tried that route before
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Old 04-25-2016, 05:45 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Lakki
when I think of a legendary piercer that has a proc that would increase bloodlets, I think of a piercing weapon that is similar to that bow that gets a 10x increase to its broadhead skill, would the proc increase bloodlets damage, the chance of it, the hemorrhage skill as a whole, or what? @Imriel
This hypothetical piercer would not need to increase the chance of bloodlet, as that is pretty much guaranteed on a hit when using 2h piercing weapons, but it would definitely be nice if it did a boost to min dmg %/did like the broadhead bow/or if it was like my original suggestion of it having higher than expected minimum damage and lower than expected maximum (the maths in my original post shows how that would affect bloodlet damage and max hit, ends up being very similar total damage profile to a non bloodlet oriented 2h piercer, just more consistent since your bloodlets are your main damage source)

Originally Posted by Lakki
4. THE SPIKE RUNE! : Nobody uses this rune, this rune is horrible. this rune needs a buff, BIG TIME. a Rank 6 version of this rune only adds 6 damage? are you serious? 6 damage! it should add 5-10x that amount. it by far the WORST melee rune, if not the worst rune in the game. this rune SUCKS!
I definitely agree here, although I don't think it needs quite as big of a buff as you mention(5-10x) since adding 6 minimum damage to your 2h piercer scales to way more than 6 extra damage on the attack(ranseur 47 min dmg + spike rune = 53 min dmg, or about 12.7% higher minimum and 12.7% higher bloodlets.)
I definitely think if it were to be buffed past 6 to say 10, or maybe at most 15 min. dmg. would be a more than sufficient boost. More than that could quickly become a bit much.

Just my .02 .
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Old 04-25-2016, 08:17 AM   #14
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Random thoughts about "Hemorrhage" skill:

Except for giving a percentage for bloodlets, maybe it should also increase min dmg crit up to ~10-25%.
So when you crit:your max dmg crit is affected by Overcrit, while min dmg crit will be affected by both Overcrit AND Hemorrhage.Whether it should affect all melee weapons or only piercers, I can't tell.

Also, a base % for Hemorrhage would be nice so low lvl players can actually utilize piercing weapons.As from my experience Hemorrhage, on which piercers heavily depend on dealing damage, is utterly useless compared to crushing and archery until you level it to lvl ~30, where it actually becomes useful at lvl 50+.
So instead of 0-33/0-100% to Bloodlet there should be at least 11-33/30-100% in my opinion.

Last edited by ShadeDaScout; 04-25-2016 at 08:18 AM.. Reason: Why would you look at that, it's my 69th post.
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Old 01-30-2017, 10:59 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Smashbros
He has already said he will do an armor set with min damage bonus.

Just waiting now lol.

Originally Posted by danielrox
omg i tiered my lod to t2 then to t3 but it gave me smaller? can i plz get a new one that works or a full refund in cash? ty in advance
Originally Posted by Turkeygoesmoo
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Old 01-31-2017, 01:20 AM   #16
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