Essences : armor and shield
Old 01-07-2016, 08:29 AM   #1
Crab Defiler
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Default Essences : armor and shield

After some time, the crafters accumulate a lot of essences, armor and shield they mean nothing in the market!

1. Please make some balance in the armors, like some arms are better for pet attacks and some other leg is better for it...not the same ...right now for example only ds ess is used for them.

2. If not above, make some way (dismantle?) to sacrifice the essences!

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Old 01-07-2016, 08:35 AM   #2
Crab Defiler
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I don't know about #1, I think there is a good balance of LG armor as it is.

#2 I totally agree with. Armor and Shield Essences are random and a lot of times crafters who spend lots of time and money to be able to craft ess are left with with some that A. don't sell and B. nobody uses. There should be some way to either dismantle them for 1 t30 dust or 1 t30 cloth. This would keep the market fair priced for all crafters because each ess would be worth something if dismantled.
//  6753
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