Originally Posted by Bhas
(For everyone)
Suggested NEW Skill under Adventuring:
Tracking > level 100 of this skill will unlock the ability to see the beast in mini map, after the beast was found.
(For custom face)
This idea is to make the custom face benificial.
Suggested Item:
Broken Piece of the Magical Mirror Of the Princess - this will unlock the ability to see the beast in mini map**, after the beast was found (Bypassing Tracking skill)
**Same way as we can see our group in mini map.
BONUS advantage suggestion:
Only when fighting the Beast, it increases all attack damage to 3% and reduces all damage taken to 3%
Who can have this special item?
- Whoever purchase the custom face or buy from them. (Worth 45tcs)
First of all: Tracking skill already exist xD So new skill should be called something else, but i like the idea. Also at various levels between 1 and 100 the beast should be displayed randomly on the map in the area it has been found narrowing it down to fewer and fewer squares as the skill nears 100.
When level 100 is reached the beast spot should become a recall spot for the hunter using a special potion called "Beast locator" or something along the lines. Said potion should be shop bought same as gates and recalls and be able to be used even if skill is not 100, but only after first beast death and NOT affect your usual recall spot.
The custom face suggestions are... not bad but... the Broken Piece of too many words for a single item seems like too complicated, so Mirror Piece seems easier xD the benefits of that are good but kinda pointless considering that once the beast is found there is always someone or other that will reveal the location, thus making the item useless.
The % increased attack and reduced damage taken is utterly useless both fr custom faces and for non custom faces as it does nothing in the random randomness of randomly killing the beast and therefore i would just be another % formula to be added in for no real reason.
Not bad ideas but they kinda need a lil bit more thought even if they could be implemented.
The recall potion that would recall players to the beast spot without messing up the farming recall should become reality though as it is highly frustrating to recall in let's say blood lake and "oops i forgot gates and i'm a newb and going to die".