Originally Posted by Zan
How would that work / what has been concluded?
Because as far as botting go, moving from inventory to storage (i.e. current situation) is no extra effort if you're using a bot - since you're not actully there.
I believe it would be better to deal with botters (as is being done, given s2 events) instead of limiting features that would benefit playerbase fearing they could be exploited with illegal tools
all knowledge I have of it, is from aggges ago, when Loot was 1st put into effect. Anything that has happened since, like s2, I have no clue about so I cant comment on that if anything was changed.
But what was decided was that with bots, people would walk around a few squares or would just sit and farm. Since the idea of a bot is to farm efficiently as possible, and having it loot directly to storage it would mean no encumbered at all, so fights can continue until storage is full. Then it is a simple matter of opening trade and putting the 1st stack of each trophy, and doing so a few times, and then cancelling it. This will auto stack that lot over all the others. If you continue doing this until all stacks are maxed, you are then able to go back to farming, and it is faster than individually stacking them all.