Old 01-01-2016, 02:59 AM   #1
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Dennisthemenace is offline
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Default Ideas

Allow various types of (un)morphed armor yet withing same category (legs/sleeves/chest/helmet) to uptier to a storebought result higher tier. Or a new armor essence that sets a morphed armor back to an unmorphed version. The game wishes to uptier armors more but having morphed at a low(er) tier at the moment only allows morphing another armor to same tier THEN uptiering, another easier method is wanted.

It has been called Europeans want beasts too and has had incidental attention at times but the current release system of all beasts enormously favors the 17:00-01.00 server time slot. The have to release by hand system shows your work/rest day Glitch and the 09.00-17.00 server time slot sees less than 20% of the beasts released in the 17.00-01.00 server time slot. Please please imagine what it is like to play as much as the next person and come across very few beasts, yet wake up to a beast report almost every morning. Please please please implement a structural solution for more random beast implementation so the 09.00-17.00 slot sees far more beasts than it has till now. I imagine the same applies to the 01.00-09.00 server time slot but I am far less aware of those numbers.

A time counter for the person wanting to cb another person to see how long till you can clan battle said other person.

Boost overall dps for all builds somehow... Angel Hair travel gear currently only 10? people in game have and that beast can only be killed by very specific groups of builds of 3 so is almost tailored to specific players in game. The same can be said for the new 4 legends (legendary cow and other 3). I imagine a lot of players would like to get all travel gear and not be the 1st to slay those 4 new beasts that drop legends (thats going to be the same 3 people for all 4 most likely) but at some point in time all players would love to be able to slay the biggest beasts. That is impossible as is for quite a number of player builds at this time.

Any and all game changes and information on forums. Possibly additional on other information release places like facebook or an app but forums is the main source of information for any player. (For instance I dont have a facebook account and fail to see what it has to do with Nodiatis nor do I have a smart phone so cant access an app for info either).

Please be constant in your behaviour: Glitch you once stated and clarified that redrops on legends and their masters would not occur under any ciscumstances unless a legend/master was not available to all. You clarified that statement that a redrop on a legend/master would not occur unless a person/persons would keep the legend/masters to themselves or a small group or unless the legend/master would go missing from the game due to a person being banned or not playing the game for an extended period of time. I made substantial investments based on that staement (give or take 1.5 bil) yet masters have redropped due to server 2 being introduced to server 1.... and the legend systems between servers being linked and masters are now given away in fortune cookies errr gift boxes. In the process I might even have been called a monopoly which I object against if that term was meant for me (Trojan and I lowered fees other crafters had from 5 mil to the 1 mil fee that Trojan/I use(d)). Till those changes were made to legends and masters another crafter simply had to spend similair amounts that I had to to acquire a legend/master. That inconsistant behaviour cost me close to a 1.5 bil investment forgetting about future income.
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Old 01-03-2016, 04:29 AM   #2
Crab Defiler
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raist is offline
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Regarding the morph back to allow easier uptiers I agree, that also works well with my suggestion of some new unique way of permanent morphing into stronger stuff without the ability to remorph all armors with every arena.

Regarding beast times and notifier, I don't have an android device so I had a friend who DL the notifier and now we are both laughing at the times of the beast notifications, wake up and there was a beast is a dominant one, or 01:00 AM beasts that I don't plan to stay awake and use the bonus for 45 minutes after it dies...
Basically I gave up on beast expectations, and the notifier is only good as a joke for us now.
Didn't do any calculations as DTM might have done, but I second that.

A CB timer can be very handy.

as 2H melee my DPS is not in the category to even be called DPS... and skills are ~100.
So high end, I sit there for looooong minutes (scratching the mobs back) till not even my regen and tankishness can take the dmg bonus and then I get wiped out.
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