11 awesome ideas please geef opinions! |
12-31-2015, 09:05 AM
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11 awesome ideas please geef opinions!
I do not know if some of these Ideas were already thought of / posted, but I am not searching the posts! not stealing ideas, and i'm posting some Ideas. who cares if they are stupid, or already posted/thought of just GEEF opinions thanks!
1. Learning skill : Overachiever, This skill allows you to select a secondary non-stat. non-learning skill to passively train at half the speed of the first one.
2. Fullscreen Interface option - for the rare few who enjoy farming one toon at a time, or just have one toon, or just wish to use when having one toon left to farm. the zoom in feature does not do much justice, and this would help immensely for those playing on mobile devices. Quite a few nodders do play on mobile, would help A LOT. (zoom blurs, doesn't keep the screen in properly sometimes, etc.)
3. Pirate's Potion(plunderfiend potion) - this potion gives a 2% bonus to all loot. (some have argued this is exploitable if out of RT for some players, but is it really? not that 2% is that much at all
4. Social - Experience from donating runepower in clans. clans are ARGUABLY one of the biggest social aspects in this game, we have the language skill, and other skills that go in conjunction with clans. giving experience for donating gold into them would be a great addition and would make clans even happier
5. GIF less animations/more etc. - The ability to turn off the animation (of the fire place burning in the armory/forge.) as well as the seer looking at you, the candles in the general store, the artwork in the Inn with the skeleton. this option could be for those with slower PC's. also the ability for those with mid-tier pc's to enable animations, possibly a glowing animation for the swords of solar sheens (for example, the lightning clearly looks like it could have an animation) or how Glitchless's Icon has the shiny effect to it in the forums..., or the level 40 epic staff could have an animation as well. the option shouldn't be set to ON as soon as the person makes their character, just a bonus option for those with stronger PC's, or those with slower PC's with the ability to turn off even some of the existing animations.
6. move the chats (suggestion by Baewi) - an interface option (for those on PC's. no clue how it would be possible via mobile) to move the clan chat/group chat box to the left side of the screen, and the civil/uncivil chat box to the right of the screen. bringing more of the Nodiatis game screen down a bit ( making the screen a bit bigger) making the chats 30 lines instead of 8. he will post a graphic example to this post.
7. Rogue's Armor (suggestion by Heaven)- the same thing that demon's skull armor does (to benefit crushers/slashers) but for minimum damage for piercers.
8. Slashing - A Legendary Slasher (not sure if 1h or 2h doesnt matter) but increases the chance of the slice 'n dice skill proc taking effect or increasing its damage.
9. Runes - an adventuring skill that increases the tier by a maximum of 1, same like the spidertrapping skill. OR a skill that decreases the drops of them but increasing the chance of getting +++'s epics
10. Pancea legendary gem (100 grey magic)- has a 50% chance of staying in play. stops all status ailments from taking effect as well as opponents weapon proc from taking effect.
11. quiver LG (suggested by Baewi)- Flameshot quiver proc bonus to flameshot skill... there is a poison LG arrow that helps with poison arrow skill ( Tinged tip arrow) so why not a quiver that helps with Flameshot skill? having these two equipped would create some very powerful snake tongues that's for sure. " when equipped your flameshot skill will deal 100% more damage"
12-31-2015, 09:09 AM
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Baewi is offline
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Maybe something like this for the #6 chat suggestion?
12-31-2015, 09:21 AM
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ghosttamer is offline
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some very interesting ides. would love to see some of them in game
12-31-2015, 09:24 AM
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Akilthedestroyer is offline
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I like idea #1, 4, 5. 10 not so much........ it seems too OP... Yeah. Plox think about these!
12-31-2015, 09:24 AM
Gem Pouch Expert
Lakki is offline
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Annnnnnnnnnnd I posted this in the wrong section! too late though RIIIIGHT? <.< I JUST NOTICED IT AFTER TYPING THIS FOR two hours. epic fail
12-31-2015, 09:26 AM
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grumblychunk is offline
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i like most of these ideas. nice job lakki
12-31-2015, 09:34 AM
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Atropos is offline
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I actually like #10, but let it stop stuns/mess/dazes only from gem sources, and maybe you then can raise its chance to stay to 75%, lets say. But wait, 50% chance to stay in play is actually 1/2 chance, so might be not too overpowered if it prevents weapon source statuces too. What about Blinds?
Also liked #1, #3 and others are pretty good for brainstrorming.
Last edited by Atropos; 12-31-2015 at 09:39 AM..
12-31-2015, 09:43 AM
Gem Pouch Expert
Lakki is offline
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Originally Posted by Atropos
I actually like #10, but let it stop stuns/mess/dazes only from gem sources, and maybe you then can raise its chance to stay to 75%, lets say. But wait, 50% chance to stay in play is actually 1/2 chance, so might be not too overpowered if it prevents weapon source statuces too. What about Blinds?
Also liked #1, #3 and others are pretty good for brainstrorming.
yes blinds too
12-31-2015, 09:55 AM
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Brookeland is offline
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some great ideas for sure, and maybe an additional one....degen for melee users would be nice too
12-31-2015, 11:07 AM
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01-01-2016, 01:17 AM
Gem Pouch Expert
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Originally Posted by Brookeland
some great ideas for sure, and maybe an additional one....degen for melee users would be nice too
I agree
01-01-2016, 01:18 AM
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Smashbros is offline
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7 I support. I would also like to add in pets.
Currently there is no pierce related pets or armor. Every other build has something that increases what they use, be it magic, slash or crush (with max) but a pierce build that's based off of min damage has nothing. For the 2h builds, we have long delays and large min damage. But we need to then go hybrid with other builds to get any further in our build. Just a pure pierce build is not a viable option at all because of the lack of support.
Clans don't use the min damage rune as its too costly with not enough people that would use it.
Yeah it has better accuracy and goes good against blacks, but other builds are better for that now as well.
Skills are all good, but we need armor and pets to help as well. Get some decent versions, of mod other versions as well to help with min damage instead of just max, and people might go towards pierce some more as well giving more diversity.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
However you want to spin it, buddy. This patch was specifically designed to somehow screw you over.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Tell that to the crybaby archers 
Originally Posted by Glitchless
We are well aware of the over-dramatic reactions to game changes in an effort to skew perception. It doesn't work, just makes them look like cry babies.
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