s2 exp bonus |
12-30-2015, 05:38 PM
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s2 exp bonus
Server 2 now has the same level cap as Server 1, which is 85 with the potential for 5 pilgrimages. Both servers are equal in all ways now except for a new Server 2 bonus to help new players catch up, both to existing Server 2 players and to Server 1: All players on Server 2 will now also enjoy a 33% bonus to all experience gains. This does not stack with Boon or PK bonuses.
does this apply to pilgrimages or not?
12-30-2015, 05:39 PM
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12-30-2015, 05:47 PM
Glitchless is offline
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Yes it does. S1 and S2 are separate servers. It's not like anyone on S2 is going to beat you to level 90 and then ravage you in the arena. Players are free to make characters on whichever server they choose. S2 is no longer the joke server, much like Regeners and Archers are no longer the laughing stock of the Nodiatis community.
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12-30-2015, 05:52 PM
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12-30-2015, 06:15 PM
Glitchless is offline
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33% is 33% regardless of what skill it is being used for, or whether you're in a pilgrimage or not. But yes, it is a sizable incentive to get people to start from scratch on S2 and enjoy a noticeable boost.
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12-30-2015, 06:24 PM
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So... it looks like S2, with their 50 players ( literally 49 toons in chat atm) get all the love while S1 get the short end of the stick. S1 toons spend millions and millions of gold to upteir gear to get the smallest of benefits. S2 gets a bonus simply for being. To me regardless of the reason, is a giant F U to players that have made any investment in doing anything on S1.
Honestly S1 and S2 are separate servers. Why then is it patch after patch that are trailer made to make S2 catch up to S1 as fast as possible? Theres hoarding/lack of masters. Boom gift boxes can now give lg masters. Players have not had time to build xp, boom, 33% xp boost. Why not instead of making S2 a clone copy of S1 but with bigger incentives and a lower play base, Something DIFFERENT. Maybe in the way of bosses have real gems? or any other of the 101 good ideas in the ideas section of forums.
Anyone with 1/2 a brain knows the reason for this. Give server 2 bigger benefits then S1 to try and entice people from S1 to S2 and re spend money on upgrades since, honestly, how many people want to play a toon with 0 upgrades after they have been using toons with all upgrades?
Business wise, its great. However to the people who have been playing this game and spending money on it for years... great big F U in the face.
Just my opinion Take as you will
12-30-2015, 07:22 PM
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An experience bonus on S2 you don't like but new content solely for them you'd be thrilled about? Listen to what you're saying... You're just complaining for the sake of complaining and the alternative you suggested would be an F U of staggering proportions.
Content will remain the same on both servers.
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12-30-2015, 07:49 PM
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12-30-2015, 08:15 PM
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Never say never. So many things that used be big nono are today used regularly 
Originally Posted by Tale
thats prolly cuz u a blind serbian moron
Originally Posted by Brick
You'd be surprised how much Excellence helped me in arena, he carried me both seasons so I can't thank him enough for that
Originally Posted by King
ill admit ex is a real toon though... >_> god i'll never hear the end of my saying that
12-30-2015, 08:21 PM
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Meh, 7 some odd years of learning EXP and passives that the new server doesn't have. Not overly concerned. It's reasonable.
What was, was, and what will be, has yet to happen....
12-30-2015, 08:25 PM
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12-30-2015, 09:12 PM
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Im not complaining for the sake of complaining. i simply find it Bull**** that S2 gets these hand outs that, imo are not needed, while other things get neglected. pale on S2 has 57 billion xp, the top 9 have 25+ bil. Do they really need a 33% boost? Sure it will help with learning skills like sisix said, however compared to how easy it is to make a toon now and the majority of the 7+ years, did the extra time really benefit anyone compared to now. Make a toon lvl it, lvl all your skills to 85 few higher that you use, reroll, repeat once or twice and you can easily get 85+ learnings. Depending on dedication and if you buy tcs it can go fairly fast as well. I mean honestly, after slightly more then a year (15 months) people have that much xp, what on earth do they need a 33% boost to it for?
I cant find the post but i remember when pilgrim came out that it was advertised as not for the faint of heart and only for the "epic" players. With a 33% boost it sure became a lot less epic, a HOLE lot easier.
And yes, it wont effect me in the slightest since S2 being a carbon copy really defeats the purpose of it imo unless of course we had the player base to make it beneficial. Which unfortunately we dont. But while stupid things like this have time thought into them when other things could have that time. Things could actually better the game and possibly bring in new players rather then let the mediocre players have a chance to flex their epeens away from the stronger players.
Things like actually having new content that benefits the game. Not new high content that 10% of the game finds/defeats and then never touches again, and the other 90% not caring because 1) it doesn't interest them 2) they are not strong enough 3) there's no reward for it (yea the first person/group to kill it is a bit of an improvement but still overall lack luster and no reason to consistently be there).
Having some semblance of balance to pvp would be awesome. I wont go any more into that since there's no real point
altering old content to coincide with the current nodiatis would be stupendous. For example lg armour. there are 15 lg armours. Most of them are the same proc with SLIGHT changes in the strength( 11% versues 13% for example) most of them are next to USELESS as nod currently is. For example ali arms/legs a 100 heal, even if all 4 were to go off at once. and be 400. It is useless when people have 20k hp and are getting hit for 1-5k consistently. The same goes for hellram and samurai, the proc is so small compared to the hp and dmg that most people have that they are useless to use. There are obviously more armors that could either be tweaked or all together changed that could give players more options and have more then just a few be useful.
All together idk why this has made me so angry/annoyed. Guess its just the tipping point of everything adding up. I love nod and that's the reason i have gladly spent so much money on it. But so many things that get announced, built up, and then are a let down, mixed with all the things tailored for S2 to catch up to S1.... Its honestly been a big disappointment.
12-30-2015, 09:24 PM
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12-30-2015, 09:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Freakymagic
it wont effect me in the slightest
idk why this has made me so angry/annoyed.
Well said.
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12-30-2015, 09:43 PM
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Whine whine whine.
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12-30-2015, 10:02 PM
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think the xp boost is great incentive for new players or us older to finaly make a new toon on s2. also be a nice addition on s1 till lvl 20 for new ones here. however i think on s2 it should only last to like lvl 40 or so, certainly not through pilgrimages.. but then again i also think this cheap glitch replica voodoo doll should work better, been poking at it for long time now and still see no purple flame hammer 
12-30-2015, 11:00 PM
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Glad to know what my opinion is worth which is about the same as nod : )
12-30-2015, 11:54 PM
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Pilgrim bonus..I do not agree!
12-31-2015, 12:43 AM
Glitchless is offline
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We're just hearing a lot of whining from people that this has absolutely ZERO impact on. If you play on S1 and that's all you play on, the S2 exp bonus has no impact on anything you or anyone you play with will do. And the people it helps the most are NEW players on S2, as allows them to better close the gap with players who have been burning trophies at high exp penalties and with no exp bonus.
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12-31-2015, 01:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
We're just here to tell you regeners are the best ever and you're a bunch of whiners.
I agree
omg i wanna sammich nao
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