Timeworn Boots
Old 11-20-2015, 11:32 PM   #1
The Eldest Pilgrim
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Default Timeworn Boots

Recently the Timeworn boots got patched. Here are some figures for those that wanted to know more about exp bonus/pens etc.

81,191k exp before patch. This is base exp.

with 25 tcs to go 811,913 exp (1000% bonus)
with 24 tcs to go 405,956 exp
with 23 tcs to go 270,637 exp
with 22 tcs to go 202,978 exp
with 21 tcs to go 162,382 exp
with 20 tcs to go 135,318 exp
with 19 tcs to go 115,987 exp
with 18 tcs to go 101,489 exp
with 17 tcs to go 90,212 exp
with 16 tcs to go 81,181 exp - Base exp with no bonus or penalties
with 15 tcs to go 73,810 exp
with 14 tcs to go 67,659 exp
with 13 tcs to go 62,454 exp
with 12 tcs to go 57,993 exp
with 11 tcs to go 54,127 exp (6.66%w drop)
with 10 tcs to go 50,744 exp (6.25% drop)
with 9 tcs to go 47,759 exp (5.9% drop)
with 8 tcs to go 45,106 exp (5.5% drop)
with 7 tcs to go 42,732 exp (5.26% drop)
with 6 tcs to go 40,595 exp (5.1% drop)
with 5 tcs to go 38,662 exp (4.76% drop)
with 4 tcs to go 36,905 exp
with 3 tcs to go 35,300 exp
with 2 tcs to go 33,829 exp
with 1 tcs to go 32,476 exp

Hope that answers questions about the exp

and thank you to all the math-heads and human computers who helped with the percentages!


Last edited by Davross; 11-22-2015 at 06:50 AM..
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