Auction upgrades
for people mass selling/buying trophies and/or other items it takes a lot of time to buy each stack and to list each stack.
It would be brilliant if there was an option to list all similar items for the same price. example: a stack of 100 hardened scales (trophies) put a price on one will auto put the same price on all similar stacks in inventory, or at least an option to do so.
For people mass buying trophies it would be helpful to have an option to buy all similar stacks at the same price, example: a stack of 100 hardened scales for sale at 8,000 you right click it and select buy all stacks listed for similar price. or even all spirit/combat trophies that equals to or betters the price of the stack you click, example: buy all combats/spirits with the same or better price.
lastly would it be possible to buy full stacks in one click, every time without fail i buy trophies i always buy a couple stacks of 10 instead of the full stack since i try to do it in a hurry as sometimes i buy hundreds. maybe create a key to hold down when you want to buy an entire stack. example: hold ctrl and click will buy full stack selected.
I have no clue about coding and that but these seem pretty reasonable, if they are easy to implement it would be great