In case you've been living under a rock: Our new server goes live today at!
What you may not know yet is that this server will run exclusively on - a gaming portal website with millions of viewers. This has special meaning to us, as when Nodiatis was first envisioned, it was our intent to launch the game on Newgrounds. Unfortunately at the time, that required a Flash interface, and as development proceeded we had to scrap that plan in favor of a Java applet for performance reasons. Now that our client runs on pure HTML5 we have the opportunity to see Nodiatis reborn in the way it was originally intended... and we need your support!
It is understandable that some players on the original server may feel a bit scorned by the coming of their new sister, but let us assure you that this will be beneficial to all Nodiatans. The Nodiatis world will continue to grow and improve equally on both servers as we reach milestones, and you can help us get there faster by giving the new server a shot. These are our goals:
4.0+ Rating and 1,000 Votes - Ability for more storage space.
4.2+ Rating and 2,500 Votes - Double the trade window slots.
4.3+ Rating and 5,000 Votes - Ability for more inventory space.
4.4+ Rating and 10,000 Votes - New island added to the map with beautiful zones and nightmarish creatures.
4.5+ Rating and 25,000 Votes - Mounts that will allow for faster travel and increased carrying capacity.
Considering our little game Dragon Wizard ( garnered a 4.0+ rating and 5k votes, all of these goals should be in easy reach for a game like Nodiatis if existing Nodiatans participate in the voting process.
Thanks again for your help, and we look forward to seeing you on both servers.
I don't see an end date.