this was probably requested a while back, but i didn't feel like looking though the 10k forum threads, even with the search. typing in epic beast would have amassed.. a terror. lol, Anyways so regardless of if anyone else thought of this idea or posted it in the past i'm posting this one.
Request A : One epic beast everyday. I don't see how 2 tc's (one for the finder, and the second for the killer) would hurt the games economy

I know it costs the game devs 10 minutes to 2 hours of their time, but if anything i think it just gets peeps to play more. when we had that LG beast week a lottt of peeps went to the beast and played, however that beast by zugrul was just.... far. dont think everyone went for it lol. I'm not online 24 hours in a day, but i do think i've pulled a full 24 hours and not seen an epic beast. Beast spawn time should be random as always. Just an idea, Don't bash this thread please. if Glitch says no, no biggie to me
Request B: 2 epic beasts per day, both on at different times, one for people in the U.S to hunt, and another for people in the European region. (just in those time zones)
request C : leave it alone. an epic beast shows up whenever ^^