Its time to S2 cap. |
07-07-2015, 08:07 AM
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Its time to S2 cap.
I believe it might be a good idea to let players on S2 make another step.
Since many of us are well geared and skilled as well we have abilities to obtain every resource and material , it would make sense to increase cap to 85.
There is few people that already have 100% epic health bonus so why don't let them start doing quests or go pilgrim if they choose too ?
I don't demand. Just making suggestion and open for discussion.
In case Glitchless deny our request we would like to know estimated time when its going to happen.
We noticed people moving from s1 to s2 lately due s2 being way more friendly
07-07-2015, 08:49 AM
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Wont move cap. Would enable pilgrims.
07-07-2015, 09:49 AM
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:{ 70 players online. yes so many joined s2. tbf reset was a few hours ago so i'll check later.
to be on topic ...sure support. what's the difference for levels on s1/s2 anyway? nothing gets unlocked. just makes it so you go higher to farm. and well...you can pilg
Last edited by Blaze; 07-07-2015 at 11:18 AM..
07-07-2015, 01:21 PM
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Wow I'm impressed you agreed on it☺
And honestly I don't think people from S1 would mind (unless they wanna troll)
Beside pilgrimage , main idea is to move up few zones where there will be better chance for silk and r6 runes to drop. Farming pit and lower simply is not effective.
And of course there is few players that are ready for new challenges.
Please give it some thoughts Glitchless.
PS. This is a message from at least 8 people I talked to. Not just my personal idea
Last edited by Gooddevil; 07-07-2015 at 01:24 PM..
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07-07-2015, 02:04 PM
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it's been a few hours..82 players online >_> so my original comment stands about the how many joined it at least
tbh no reason to oppose it that comes to my mind and it would be lame if i posted simply to mock small player base :{ so might as well support
07-07-2015, 02:30 PM
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May be a good idea.
07-07-2015, 03:03 PM
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me gusta
07-07-2015, 05:53 PM
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07-08-2015, 03:06 AM
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I found it unfortunate when cap was elevated to 80. I appreciated this server was an horic-mode one with 60 lvl cap. But now its no difference for me if it stays 80 or goes 85 at all. Thing on this topic I 100% support is unlocking pilgrimages.
It would be great if pilgrimage will be unlocked and cap capped at 80.
Please Glitchless share your opinion and plans with us.
07-08-2015, 06:56 AM
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I would love that of course yerg but....
We don't wanna "easy" button and skipping 20 lvls in stats at 80+ is a huge shortcut and would make people on other server upset.
Of course servers can be different - its all up to glitchless.
On other hand even tho its easier to pilgrim its still makes it harder to cap skills because penalties kicks in 5 lvls sooner.
Its trade off....
And one more thing: yes we had to work our butt to raise our crafting skills through all penalties but we don't mind at all if it will be easier for new players. We did it hard way and willing to help others with our services (no fee) but if someone choose to craft at their own ... Well more the marrier ☺
07-08-2015, 07:13 AM
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It's not an easy button, because finally after 5 pilgrims you'll end at most at 85 lvl, and this will make whole endgame more difficult than it is now on s1. And remember that finishing even first pilgrim is a pain, what about 4?
If cap will be moved up I dont have any bad feelings. But it would maintain difficulty lvl higher than on s1 if it wont rise at all.
07-08-2015, 09:24 AM
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In that case decision have to be made. Do we keep both servers same way or we make them different?
07-08-2015, 09:33 AM
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07-08-2015, 09:55 AM
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SISiX i dont like the idea of joining servers. I quit s1 about 2 years ago for a reason, and now watching chat I see, that this reason is still actual. Prolly when hateage will domesticate on s2 I will quit i too, but so far enjoying gameplay too much.
07-08-2015, 10:17 AM
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Eh. If cap rises to 85 and pilg gets unlocked probably would be easier to make both servers merge. Ofc this would suck for server 2 since they would drop in the arena ranks quite rapidly. On the other hand since he's dropping these lgs (to dtm's dismay) he might not be planning to ever merge
07-08-2015, 11:29 AM
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Merging is out of question - its worst idea ever. Servers are way different. Besides people invested here to be where they are now and merging would take it away.
We didn't start from scratch buying all TCS for $ just to be put back in place we run away from.
Raising cap is good for NG community finally they will be able to enjoy all features game can offer without being trolled on civil they made mistake going to server that "sucks"
We rocks! And we are in no way less worthy
One day population on s2 will exceed S1 and we working in it.
Of course still lots of hard work need to be put into it but we on right track.
07-08-2015, 11:54 AM
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Raising cap is good for NG community finally they will be able to enjoy all features game
Would rather see "able to enjoy all features game" without this cap thing. Rising cap is easiest way for Glitchless to achieve what we want - pilgrims, but it should be done right - by adjusting server side code to accept 80 as fixed-max lvl. And 9 pilgrims to raise up for 90 
07-08-2015, 12:52 PM
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07-08-2015, 12:56 PM
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07-08-2015, 02:37 PM
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SISiX, I'm having unfortunate feeling that if I take my voice on discussion what should go on S1, I would be flamed.
S1 is on air for around 10 years and had sligtly over 800 people online during the middle of a working day, 2/3 of this being alts. As of a 10 years old instance it has a really poor population. So don't blame S2 for it having a bit less than 1/8 this population online after one year of server being up.
And we do CARE about this community grow and help people develop their toons. Last time there were some LG masters transactions on reason "you craft what i can't, take it from me and make use of it". Can you imagine it on S1? Worst thing destroying our effords with new players are s1 people on civil, when s2 newbie asks 'how to X' and standard response is around "your server sucks. Come to us".
And I'm not playing alone. I'm playin with 5 people only from my country, not to mention those who logs reguralily every day but we play together only a bit, because of timezones differences.
If TL;DT SISiX, please stop judging. I have put a lot of efford to develop here and I have helped a bunch of my clannies-and-not with no interest. Maybe not that much like Sentez and Yamato helped me, but I'm doing my best. So please, don't postulate to merge servers, because it would rather end with loosing those players there on S2.
BTW i have seen TC price 500k 3 years ago on S1, 7 years after it was aired. Those TC here are more expensive than you think.
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