07-08-2015, 03:09 PM
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S1 is just barely 7 years old.let alone 10. And 500k tcs were two years on the dot ago >.>
07-08-2015, 03:55 PM
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The other way to move on would be:
leave lvl 80 cap permanent but allow pirgrimage to 85.
yes , its huge disadvantage when you trying to do suiting 95 to wear first LG's or 97/98/99 in green /black/red magic .
You have to run through 6 lvls of 95% penalty (when aiming for 95 suiting) while on S1 some players are 90 already (rest can be if they choose to) and after reroll its takes nearly no effort to max skills as max penalties kicks at 99 and above.
What can happen on S2 max penaty can be reduced to 90%.
Over all it will be beneficial when someone will aim to cap this 140 skill at long run.
Lower cap means lower zones can be farmed and less gold/trophies income however they will have more value to players and market for those will be alive.
the other thing is if new players choose to sell few TC's to overskill something to get that epic on it will be easier to do so at the begining.
There was many players who tried this game but gave up due "slow progress at the beginning".
NG community is players who trying many games and prefer instant action or something entertaining. Nodiatis is a great game but it takes time to be sucked in (it took me like 5 days till i started to like it) that's why its important to make beginning of it a bit easier.
Yes its grinding game but "kick start" should be an option if someone choose to invest into character.
Also i think rested time should not be depleted till lvl 5 - after that rt system can be introduced - this way people can go out of docks and taste a game little more and have chance to like it.
We will await some input from Glitchless
Last edited by Gooddevil; 07-08-2015 at 04:01 PM..
07-08-2015, 04:59 PM
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Trying to use the penalties as an argument doesn't really work when there were people using legendaries at level 60 and even more so now.
Sadly nod is not for most people. It is slow progression and requires actual thought to be a good player. You have to understand that the game cannot cater to the kids that have the attention span of a goldfish. Some people will simply not like the game.
The rested time idea could work to make it seem like less of a grind initially. Any exploit that could be done at that low of a level would not hurt the game at all.
EDIT: And I have not seen anyone tell a person from S2 to switch to S1 when they are asking a question in a long time. There was some bitterness from some people at the start but it has died down.
07-08-2015, 05:24 PM
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I see people compare servers sometimes but rarely
07-09-2015, 02:49 AM
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...just a fading, memory...
What was, was, and what will be, has yet to happen....
Last edited by SiSiX; 12-17-2015 at 01:27 PM..
07-09-2015, 03:00 AM
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I would loose everything related to Nod. Because I have already a decent toon out there on s1 and am not playing it any more. I came back to Nod because s2 was capped at 60, making game more complex, making it heroic-mode one. Increasing cap to 80 already destroyed a bit of it, but was reasonable.
Dun kno about Glitchless resources. I would gladly help as a programmer if I wont loose my toon due to this. You have a point with secondary server being thing that makes it more difficult to maintain alltogether. Still am against idea of merging servers. If I want to play S1, I would be there.
07-09-2015, 05:43 AM
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Another thing against merging servers is that people simply have a choice where to go. S1 is full of drama queens and there's bunch of bullies and trolls there.
Of course I met few good people there as well but some of them are just *********.
Maybe we small community but we are tight and cooperate with each others.
S1 is all about greed and here on S2 everyone doing their part .
For example : 6 people were farming resources and gave all of them free (t26 and up) to person so he/she will be able to craft certain type of gear. I gave away 16 t30 oils and 48 t30 dyes last week just because someone else needed them more than I did.
Gold and resources can be farmed all over again but good friends I'm playing with can't.
I met many great people that I'm not only play with but talk to them on daily basis using team speak.
I know their real names , tone of voice , know how they look like and even know their gf names. And feeling among friends when playing a game is priceless.
07-09-2015, 06:08 AM
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S1 is full of drama queens...well guess what. We share a chat so they're on s2 too. You can ignore them regardless of the server you're on.
People giving away what would be (on s1 at least) a large amount of gold easily over 25m for free... Could be seen as nice...or dumb...that's like giving away an entire lg if s2 has same mat prices as s1.  I got friends too but I doubt I'd give them a full lg free just so I keep them :{ I'd feel like I'm buying friends and wonder if people were pretending to be my friend just to get free stuff.
I agree playing with friends is a good feeling tho. Only time I enjoy nod is when mine play
07-09-2015, 06:26 AM
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Originally Posted by King
S1 is full of drama queens...well guess what. We share a chat so they're on s2 too. You can ignore them regardless of the server you're on.
People giving away what would be (on s1 at least) a large amount of gold easily over 25m for free... Could be seen as nice...or dumb...that's like giving away an entire lg if s2 has same mat prices as s1.  I got friends too but I doubt I'd give them a full lg free just so I keep them :{ I'd feel like I'm buying friends and wonder if people were pretending to be my friend just to get free stuff.
I agree playing with friends is a good feeling tho. Only time I enjoy nod is when mine play
Yes we did give away LGS that we obtained killing beast as well.
We decide who's main need a boost and distribute lg weapons.
Its not buying friends . its investment . faster they kill more gold they made and better runes we can use.
And reason you don't see resources on ah is because there is no price tag on them - people order them and receive free. Of course if they have high silk drop they share it . its coop between players and we like it. If not for resins and store bought items we would have no need for gold.
07-09-2015, 06:38 AM
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S1 is full of drama queens...well guess what. We share a chat so they're on s2 too. You can ignore them regardless of the server you're on.
Well, guess what, I have turned both public chats off. Again. Already gave them about 3 chances.
07-09-2015, 08:18 AM
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Originally Posted by yerg
Worst thing destroying our effords with new players are s1 people on civil, when s2 newbie asks 'how to X' and standard response is around "your server sucks. Come to us".
Standard response? Rubbish, son. Absolute rubbish. Complete ****ing lies.
Standard response is a couple of joke replies then detailed instructions on how to do whatever they asked about. You make me sad, Sir knight.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
You won't be warned again.
07-09-2015, 08:26 AM
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Back to topic guys .
We talking about next step for S2 .
Make is same as S1 ? Or keep cap lower with 90% penalties?
The other option would make it very interesting and I'm sure will draw more players.
07-09-2015, 08:34 AM
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Make same as s1. 70 or 71 is halfway point for the first pilgrim. This means 81-86 are saving you a lot of effort. Sure more penalties but better imo to just keep it the same since trophies are easy compared to pilg.
Last edited by Blaze; 07-09-2015 at 10:00 AM..
07-10-2015, 04:20 AM
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Originally Posted by yerg View Post
Worst thing destroying our effords with new players are s1 people on civil, when s2 newbie asks 'how to X' and standard response is around "your server sucks. Come to us".
i have never seen this said to someone on either server
07-10-2015, 05:43 AM
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Any input from Glitchless yet ?
07-10-2015, 04:30 PM
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The cap was already raised too recently.
Computing the probability that at least one of the following events will occur:
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07-12-2015, 08:47 AM
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Thank you for the input.
Please note that now acceleration and double acceleration is available opposed to time when S1 started which allows players progress way faster.
Players who buy all upgrades at once and buying TCs in bulk can progress 20+ times faster spending same amount of time playing , opposed to people who start as free or standard players.
It sound fair to let them progress somehow.
If in you opinion its too early to unlock more features , how about let us have more LG useful weapons and most of all pets.
I think If tommy or stalker drop it would keep players occupied for weeks or months trying to collect resources to obtain one.
Let's face it : my useful skills are capped and the only thing I can do now is to uptier my armor at cost of loosing tempers... Bad idea IMO at least till end of season. Crafting weapons or pets for alt on other hand would keep us busy for long time.
For now only caster and archer can benefit from best gear available while BMs have to stick to second best epic or rare pet
07-12-2015, 11:22 AM
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i really dont understand the point of s2...
why are tcs prices 900k already? surely the purpose of a new server was to captivate new people to nod. not old players who have the capability to buy the first 500$ worth of tcs make a decent toon then just get the rest of tcs with in game gold? while the new player still cant grind his way to a face...
yes nod is a business and i would agree with six just merge the damn servers already. you dont like some 1 in civil iggy them the world goes on. you cant complain and say you hate every one...
i have played s1 for over 5 years and in that time i cant say that i hate any one enough to abandon all hopes of civil / uncivil so i dont think you have a vaild point if you are antisocial thats ur problem bud...
on the pilgrim note i say make it the same as s1 and then merge the damn things why waste time and effort when its not benafactoring any new toons or players.
just holding back progress in a whole.
yes you will be sad you merged with s1 but guess what the world will keep spinning and maybe you can get some legendary instead of starting from scratch and trying to craft them when there is already a huge player base who has grinding for them ... it may even drop tc prices on s1 due to the fact atm we got a split player base buying tcs and 2 markets atm why not just make it one...
thats my thoughts on the matter... if you survived the bad grammer congrats
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