mass production |
06-07-2015, 05:41 AM
The Eldest Pilgrim
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mass production
Ok I know this has been suggested many times before, but I would really love something like this.
When mass producing anything, planks, geodes, ingots, dyes, cloths, etc it would be great if you could load a whole stack into the tool. Let's look at making planks for an example of exactly what I mean.
It takes 3 wood to make one plank using the plane.
Epic plane (nice gold sink and reason for people to upgrade to epic tools), you pick up your stack, lets say 100. You then use tool. The system then detects (it already detects if you have under 3 or a different resource) you have 100 wood in there. It makes a plank and leaves you with 97 wood in the box. The crafting window remains open (no more having to right click 'use tool'), you have the option now to click again. It uses up another 3 and your left with 94 wood. You can do this until it reaches 1, in which case the system already tells you that you need 3 wood to make a plank.
This could be used for everything, even scaling fish or skinning prey, you just need to allow the items to stack in the appropriate tool.
This would save soooo much time with crafting. I realize resourcing/crafting is viewed as a 'labor of love' but when making alot of things, it really is an unnecessary chore. The person still needs to collect the mats, still needs to piece it all together, I am merely suggesting that this time could be reduced. Using wood as an example, it really isn't so bad, but after a while, picking up 3 pieces of wood (sometimes picking up the stack by accident since you made double-clicking do that), then right click, use tool gets damn monotonous.
That is what I would really like.
Now, having said that, what would be really really really nice, would be if it worked with the enchanting rod as well. (my preference is for the crafting tools mostly though, but figured while I was asking for improvements) Spare a thought for those pot makers spending hours and hours filling those orders. I saw someone in chat the other day who had spent something like 8 hours I think just making potions, that is just too long glitch.
This idea does not eliminate the crafting process, the time it takes for the tool to do it's thing would be the same, it just reduces the repetitive clicking in getting it there.
Sorry for the long post, but crafting is something I would like to do more of, but find it just too mind-numbing to do.
06-07-2015, 05:52 AM
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06-07-2015, 06:02 AM
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when making t1 oils and t1 geodes for gems ( lets say only 20 gems) i need about 3 hours just to craft those cause it is going one by one, good idea, large support ^^
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06-07-2015, 06:03 AM
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06-07-2015, 06:28 AM
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SUPPORT! SUPPORT! And THRICE SUPPORT! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee think about it! Pweeeaaaaseee??
06-07-2015, 06:29 AM
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06-07-2015, 08:48 AM
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06-07-2015, 10:09 AM
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06-07-2015, 12:43 PM
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When Epic tools was anouncing I hopping for epic tools do what Davross said.
Maybe Glitch will change or add this option for epic tools in his new way... upgragig epic tools with TC-s.
06-07-2015, 12:51 PM
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support minus fiors dumb idea
Originally Posted by Glitchless
There are modifiers that alter drop chance when you go AFK based on what you do when gone. We will list them here: - Fix and eat a sandwich +15%
- Watch TV -5%
- Urinate +20%
- Finish your homework +10%
- Stand on your head for 5+ minutes +33%
We believe these are working as intended.
06-07-2015, 10:00 PM
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support. it does take hours to make many T1 resources. we have accel upgrades for combat, i don't see why not for crafting as well.
06-07-2015, 10:09 PM
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support but exp may have to change

06-07-2015, 10:11 PM
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SUPPORT! This to the fullest.
06-07-2015, 10:13 PM
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I wanna be able to craft a bunch of potions at a time, without needing a single recipe for each one
06-07-2015, 10:18 PM
The Eldest Pilgrim
Davross is offline
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I disagree that exp would need to change, after all, the crafting itself takes the same time as it did before, this would simply eliminate some (not all) of the repetitive loading of the tool.
Ty everyone for supporting this thread, it is a change I have wanted for a long time.
06-08-2015, 02:50 AM
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06-08-2015, 04:27 AM
The Eldest Pilgrim
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perhaps down the track we could get creative with things like 'the epic XXX', for now though I would like to focus more on getting the mass production thing happening. Ty for your input though SiSix.
06-08-2015, 10:25 AM
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u know... must be aware... if mass production will be implemented... because don-t spend so much time for that anymore... all resources and/or potions price will drop... at least that must happend.
06-08-2015, 02:35 PM
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dyes already cost less than 2 berries, thread already costs less than 2 silk, oils already cost less than 2 veggies....making it easier to make them wont affect the price...as right now its completely not worth crafting unless you need it
Originally Posted by Glitchless
There are modifiers that alter drop chance when you go AFK based on what you do when gone. We will list them here: - Fix and eat a sandwich +15%
- Watch TV -5%
- Urinate +20%
- Finish your homework +10%
- Stand on your head for 5+ minutes +33%
We believe these are working as intended.
06-08-2015, 04:35 PM
The Eldest Pilgrim
Davross is offline
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Was wondering if Glitchless could let us know what he thinks of this. If it is not on the cards, I will waste no more time on it.
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