Report Feature In Arena
Old 06-02-2015, 07:55 PM   #1
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Default Report Feature In Arena

It has come to our attention that there is a need for a mechanism for us to help detect and punish match fixing in the current arena system. The solution we have come up with works partially via players reporting suspicious activity in arenas.

Now when you right click someone's face in arena, you will have the option to "Report For Throwing Match" which should be used, as the name suggests, if and when you strongly suspect someone of purposefully trying to lose the match. There are multiple things that can tip you off to such behavior, none of which are fool-proof, so we are relying on player judgment only as our first layer of detection.

Anyone with an inordinate amount of reports, coming from multiple sources, will then be subject to further investigation to determine if they are indeed throwing matches. The punishment for throwing matches in the past has been permanent banning, so it is clearly not worth the risk to try and get a few extra points for your friends.

Also note, we consider purposefully false reporting to be as bad as actually throwing matches, so please only report people you suspect of throwing matches, not people you dislike.
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