Real price for TC
Old 05-25-2015, 04:10 PM   #1
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Default Real price for TC

In this world exist men who pay a bi**h more then pay his own hire man in a month...
That bi**h can play Nod in all that time wainting for that boss :P
Now... know that... many who buy TC with real money here, and have a boss who pay him in real life, must think twice when will sell that TC less then 5 mill.

He or his parents work hardly and his retribution can be lower then his boss bi**h in a month and... all that be know... he sell TC for less, in game, as charity, to others who has time as... spoiled childs or even can be that bi**h...
Is so beautifull this life for some. :P

P.S. for those who don't like something... dont eat, or read, or post here... I paraphrase a joke from my country...
"Two child taking eachother...
- John, do u like s**t ?
- No.
- Then why u eatting ?")).

Last edited by Fior; 05-25-2015 at 04:44 PM..
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Old 05-25-2015, 04:13 PM   #2
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Some people use real life cash to buy Time card in order to sell those for Gold, allowing some people to play for free because they can buy those Time card with gold instead of paying real money....
Whats the problem here again?
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Old 05-25-2015, 04:18 PM   #3
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Who said is a problem ? lol

No, is not a problem.. is a fact.
Actualy show how big is his appreciation for that bi**h.
Fact : also show us how low is boss apreciation for his hire man.
Fact : hire man work hardly over time and boss collect all that money and spendin for shi**y things as bi**h who could play Nod.

Last edited by Fior; 05-25-2015 at 04:48 PM..
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Old 05-26-2015, 08:06 AM   #4
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Is pleasant to see so many posts with so big rupture has, or how quicky kill higher mobs or bosses, and how high amount of gold rushes get after this... here :[/COLOR]
...but when is talking about buying TC for higher prices those who has all that higher gold rushes ask for discount and looks like they get nothing lol
It so amusing...

Someone tell us is not so often... well... not so often as 450k each as gold rushers... but 450k once or twice per day besides another 10-20 normal GR-shers (as 180-250k each) can get between 2-4 mill gold each day on premium mode in 4-4,5 houres of rrt.
So players like those can-t tell us they can-t afford to pay a TC for 5 mill. Is only a payment for 4 houres of rrt then still can get 5 mill x 9 days... mean 45 mill of gold in 10 days as profit.

Ppl who are bought TC for real money ? Ppl who work hardly in real life and i assume they wil come home to play Nod as a relaxation. So then don-t need to be tortured in Nod as well. They can easely sell 10xTC for 5 mill each... and that can get easely 50 mill instead of 10 mill... as a reward for their hard working in real life.

Real hard working people must think twice instead to disregard fruit of his or his parents labor, and throwing their hard work for nothing, to all who has free time because they don-t lose their time to work or study.

Last edited by Fior; 05-26-2015 at 08:39 AM..
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Old 05-26-2015, 11:43 AM   #5
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Real hard working people must think twice instead to disregard fruit of his or his parents labor, and throwing their hard work for nothing, to all who has free time because they don-t lose their time to work or study.
Its so true man ... so true.
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Old 05-26-2015, 10:40 PM   #6
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who day tcs will be 5m ea, and even then you may feel the same way. be satisfied that its easy to obtain lgs w/ tc purchases that dont hurt the bank account. in a sense it would suck if they were selling 150k ea. if current prices are too high to buy w/ gold, then either find more ways to earn gold or spend cash.

problem solved
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