Gem Stacking
Old 05-10-2015, 07:14 AM   #1
kaiserblitz is offline
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Default Gem Stacking

Quick question.

if i have antigenesis rank 1 and rank 2 playing them after one another, do the damage stack?

same thing for ignition rank 1 and 2. do the damage stack to 18 in 10 sec?

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Old 05-10-2015, 09:38 AM   #2
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The both will work at the same time however the timers are separate.

Example you cast an antigenisis that does 45 damage over 45 seconds, then 10 seconds later you cast another that does 45 over 45 seconds. The first one will still have 35 damage over 35 seconds left but the new one will be 45 over 45. The number will combine purely for visual ease.

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Old 05-10-2015, 12:35 PM   #3
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They stack, but the timers are not actually separate as was stated. The total amount of damage will always be what you will expect, but the duration of two DoTs or HoTs of the same kind with combine with a weighted average.
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Old 05-10-2015, 01:35 PM   #4
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This will help you understand how DoT's work, it is from another post I made a while ago helping someone with the Rogue CA's added poison effect:

Originally Posted by StormGuardian
Thorough observations, but it might help you understand all your numbers if you first understand how DoTs stack. Assuming all gems are poison(so they stack), time is in seconds, and just knowing that each tick is 3 seconds apart, with the last tick often being a good chunk less than the rest, the formula works as follows:

Cast 1 gem : Damage over Time - ticks every 3s (last tick is less if duration not divisible by 3s)

As expected...1 is easy peasy! Now when you cast gems with some other poison effect on target:

Damage1 = poison damage already on target
Damage2 = poison damage on gem(this includes any bonuses normally)
Time1 = duration left on poison already on target
Time2 = duration of poison on gem(includes things like dark patience and hasten demise)

The new poison will look like:

newDamage = damage1+damage2
newTime = time1 * damage1 / (damage1 + damage2) + time2 * damage2 / (damage1+damage2)

newDamage over newTime is your new poison! newTime can also be slightly simplified to:

newTime = (time1 * damage1 + time2 * damage2) / (damage1+damage2)

So for a quick example, lets say you cast 2 gems, that are 30 poison over 30 seconds, to make the numbers easy, the 2nd gem will be cast 15 seconds after the first, halfway through it's duration:

First gem, is cast and starts ticking, 3 damage every 3 seconds. 15 seconds later, the 2nd gem is cast. The first gem has 15 damage left over 15 seconds. So we get:
Damage1 = 15
Time1 = 15
Damage2 = 30
TIme2 = 30

So the formula is:

newDamage = 15 + 30 = 45
newTime = 15 * 15 / (15 + 30) + 30 * 30 / (15+30) = 5+20 = 25

Giving us a new poison tick of 45 over 25 seconds, which will tick for 5.4 every 3 seconds...or in game, you will see 5 5 6 5 account for the rounding.

The way they work is that the stronger DoT(dps wise) has a bigger pull on duration of the new DoT effect. If you cast a higher DPS DoT after the same DoT is already applied, the total length will shorten if the higher DPS DoT has a shorter length than the one remaining on the target, or will lengthen if the higher DPS DoT has a longer length than the time remaining(will still be shorter than the newest DoT cast, but longer than what was left on the target).
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