Reason to high end farm
Old 03-13-2015, 10:30 AM   #1
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Default Reason to high end farm

With new zones on the horizon it got me thinking about the last time two new zones were added to the game, besides from the bosses there is no reason anyone would farm on them zones. The same can be said for many other areas 115+ or so. It is a waste to add more areas to farm if there is no incentive to even farm them.

I am all for more content but it would be nice to make better use of some old content before adding more. There is not enough gold/trophies/essences/high tier resources chance in the high level zones to warrant 5-10 min fights, compared to zones near the characters level.

A couple of ideas to make these high level zones used: The higher the level from 115+ the more %.

- A slight % chance to find a 'seen' lg weapon/armor (very minor)
- A extra 2-6 levels in resource pulls (like heroic mode and compass)
- An extra % gold and trophies
- A slight % chance at releasing a LG beast with a unseen LG reward (credited with 1 tc for finding lg beast first + 50% bonus damage to that beast
- A huge bonus to xp gains
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Old 03-13-2015, 08:55 PM   #2
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I do support the general idea of drawing more people to farm the high end zones but the rewards offered are just too much. Would drag half the capped population over there and who knows what will happen to the market.

-No support for the 'seen' LG weapon/armor
-Support for higher tier pulls. 6 seems too high though.
-MC and BGT is already nerfed for higher zones. not sure if you want it to be nerfed a bit more
-No support for the LG beast. Not entirely sure what you mean by this but its not fair for weak players who cant survive 100+ zones
-I support the general idea of XP gains in 100+ zones but i think a t5 skill similar to MC or BGT for insanely high zones getting more XP. Why take 5 minutes to kill a mob for the same XP that you get when killing fungi in 30 seconds?
Praise the hindu gods!
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Old 03-14-2015, 01:34 AM   #3
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I agree with sox, bringing lgs into the mix is just plain dumb
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Old 03-14-2015, 07:58 AM   #4
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How about a lg tp for your epic drop instead of just epic tps? Could only happen on 120+ mobs. I don't think that just getting a tp would be broken, but getting the actual lg would be way too op
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Old 03-14-2015, 09:20 AM   #5
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I suggest making trophies at high levels more manageable. 4 minute fight, 2 minutes of unloading trophies is a bit over the top. My suggestion is reducing trophy amounts and increasing exp per trophy, as well as generally decreasing the weight of high level trophies.

I think that some beast thing would be interested but I don't understand what you mean.
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If they put a nice icon on you it's beneficial if they put a mean one on the other guy it's detrimental.
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Old Delay/(1+haste%) = New Delay

For slow effects, use the slow % but as a negative.

Just repeat for multiple effects.

DO NOT multiply by 1+slow% to get your new delay. 1*1.4 is not the same as 1/0.6 and your answer will be wrong.
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Old 04-20-2017, 11:02 AM   #6
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Old 05-05-2017, 04:34 AM   #7
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% chance when entering combat of fighting an "epic" mob/boss rather than normal variants

epic mob/boss would be about halfway between a heroic and a normal mob/boss
they would give a small % chance of finding dust when you loot them (any tier dust can be found the higher the lvl the better the dust)
doubles the effect of epic tool/compass (allowing +4 resource)
small % chance of double gold/trophys which scales with mob lvl
small % chance of extra xp starting at 2x and scaling to 10x depends on mob lvl

heroic farming also has epic mobs which are yet again stronger than their heroic counterparts

they give same benefits as normal epic mob/boss but added are

small % chance scaling with lvl of mob double heroic ess
triple item chance
+5 to resource (+4 from normal epic +1 for heroic mode)
small % chance scaling with lvl of mob for lg tp instead of epic
higher tier dust chance
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Old 05-05-2017, 04:16 PM   #8
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So, when fighting mobs above 110, at least on boon, I get just over a page worth of trophies. That is a lot of clicking and moving; sometimes I get to the 2 minute warning if there's enough trophies and clicking going on. That is ridiculous.

Here's my suggestion, which is a bit complicated.

When fighting mobs that give at least 3/4 of a full page of trophies (this will vary based on boon, BGT, level difference), every 100 of the type of trophy will become a x1.

So for example, you're on boon and you get 50+ stacks of each trophy type on a mob, those trophies would automatically combine into stacks of 100 and turned into a stack of x1 or by 1. These can be stacked up to 100 or 105, based on your item stacking. Stacking would work as x1 for 100, x2 for 200 etc


You must get 3/4 of a page of trophies or more
At least 95 item stacking (able to get stacks of 100)
When sacrificing a "by-stack" it would be done in multiples of ten. I.E each x1 would be broken down into 10 separate exp messages, like separating separate stacks. This would be to prevent penalty abuse.
To prevent server-side issues, you can only sacrifice up to 5 "by-stacks"(x5) at a time, so 500 trophies, or 50 sacrifices.
You must be able to solo the mob, since grouping mobs doesn't warrant such large trophy amounts. This also prevents PLing abuse.
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