I'm just a weak cap trying to get stronger...leave me alone guise >.<
Assumed that all higher bosses drained something. I'll try again without imperv.
Huggles, i have 14 gems that use energy in my pouch. Some are split heals, some are pure energy, also have pure mana. Sacri uses energy too. See how much energy i had left? Sure its a no fail aura but i also use heals.
I hate townwalking also. Highest adventuring skill is dencumberence at lvl 61. Though i will walk from town to town if there are zones in between that i can kill for XP without dying.
Balze, glitch probably reads all posts. He doesn't know, from looking at the title, whether you're just trying to contact me or whether you're reporting me for being a scammer/botter/filter dodger.
Praise the hindu gods!