Originally Posted by Nemesiss
there are no individual wars anymore because 1: people are babies. 2: you gain much more dom/terr from being aligned. 3: since it is based on rp/dom/terr and to win it has to slowly dwindle down it takes literal ages. 4: what you already said the no grouping thing. idk if it still has the losses or not.
what i would personally like to see is each clan have a war bank of sorts with a cap of 1m gold or so that can be donated to that is separated from rp. once a clan has offered/accepted fully engaged in a war the bank is locked and not modifiable. each kill the enemy gets takes away from the bank adding it to their rp and vice versa. (plus some free dom/terr?) when the bank hits zero that clan losses and war is over
would be nice to group with whoever you want at any time as well as still show kills and losses in clan chat as well as a forfeit button for the broken spirited. also maybe double the rp gains for more incentive over constant alignment. possibly temp clan bonuses for a win ect, lots of ideas have come forth over time to revive individual wars, would be nice to use some.
I like this idea ALOT... but there has to be restrictions so the cap clans/members can't pick on the little guys or cause set ups!
Also maybe you can force a clan battle and the WHOLE clan is a pker.... this way the cap clans can't be ALL POWERFUL!!!!