Originally Posted by Glitchless
This is likely not the end of our changes to BMs either. They very likely will need a buff in PvP. BMs still have a lot of empty skill slots for us to add interesting abilities that they may now actually deserve, whereas before their further development was stifled by their own power.
With the introduction of solo arena I have been able to catch a glimpse of how other bm's perform under various circumstances. After talking with some other bm's I have come to the conclusion that there may still some small tweaks to move them from where they are now. These will not move them to the front again nor should they given how long and how severely the skill was bugged. The ideas i have thought of should not all be implemented at once but rather picked over by glitch while
we, the players, discuss them.
The general consensus amongst those I spoke with are that survivability is an issue due to the inability to use timmies which any and every other class uses. I would go to say that it is tied with thraki for most used legendary. Timmy provides insane regen and some decent mitigation (better mit than actual armor which baffles me) and a bm can use none of it while say a melee-r or a caster can with no downside seeing as there are very little pet procs that can compete with that versatility.
Some of the other pets that are available are:
DS which can have its vamp mitigated to crap by the timmy and other mit sources but does affect ranged and DD damage.
Loris but with the amount of regen you can get from runes it is hardly even used now.
Armored Companion which as a pure mitigation pet offers less than a hybrid pet...granted it has high potential damage but its delay make it easy for a regen/timmy user to heal back up between hits.
Venom Lizard is a yeti with no prevent but poison instead...I don't know why someone would choose this tbh
Honey Badger good for a melee focused build on kill speed pve but for a bm it does less damage than a gator.
Tommy has the highest pet damage in the game offset by the 2nd slowet delay in the game, good for high potential damage but a really long delay between hits. As with the AC most damage could be healed up between hits.
Cuddlebug is a good choice for a tank with moderate delay and decent damage. Maybe the best choice for a bm if you are willing to sacrifice the dps for some prevent chance?
Soul Devourer is a yeti that you cannot control who it attacks. With the various sources of mitigation and the focused defender gem out this pet is probably one of the worst choices for anyone. If team arena were out and a top team were using these you would just need to get the Focused Defender gem an instantly cut their yeti like damage in half.
The reason most say the survivibility of a bm suffers is due to inability to use timmies and the fact that when the delay was fixed it left a huge gap between heals that caused them to take much more damage. Growl can offset this to a point but seeing as how a bm cannot growl a dot they really suffer in pvp in that regard
Now to the part that many people will skip to, the proposed ideas to be discussed.
1. Have the aliangel breastplate affect pet haste in addition to the melee/ranged haste buff on it. This would pull peole away from the obvious Demonskull bp choice that any and all bm's had when they were the best
2. Have an exploit weakness type skill where x crits increase melee damage by 2/(x) for up to y damage. For example every 2 crits (easily obtainable with sense fear) increases melee damage by 1% up to 25%
3. Have an innate bonus of 5% haste when equipping a whip that only affects the pet side where the whip is
4. Change the Aggression rune from 2% per tier to 3% topping out at 18% for a r6. With stalking doubling the delay I do not think this will be too crazy of a change.
5. A chance to hit skill, every other weapon type has it so why not pets?
6. A multi hit skill, again same reason as above. Weapons should not be the only source of multi hit for a dedicated bm.
7. Epic skill that provides up to 10% additional haste.
These ideas would open up more whip variance other than kok (which people use purely for the haste to get back to old speeds) and LoD (dat multi hit doe) and have actual builds of bms