The Mermaid War
Old 10-08-2008, 07:29 PM   #1
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Default The Mermaid War

Jordan sat on the shore of the Evlan Sea and awaited the mermans arrival. The sun was going down, and the wind was blowing ever so slightly making Jordans long black hair sway.
He was closing his eyes and tilted his head back to fully capture the feeling, when he heard a disturbance com from the water.
A mermaid surrounded by ten meman walked from the water to the shore and met Jordan.
"Are you the man that was sent by the King of Land?"
"I am, but I thought I was to meet with the sea king."
"I am his daughter and have come on his behalf. The kings words were simple and straitforth. Our world has declared war on your world. There will be no negotiations, no bargins, and no more talking."
At that, the sea kings daughter turned and walked back into the sea. Jordan stood there frozen. He couldnt beleive what he had just heard. He thought the meeting was of some kind of festival or tradition we have interrupted... not of war! He loved mermaids; dearly.
He went back to his king that day and told him what had been said. He had also resigned that day. No more wars or fancy diners with the king. He couldnt stand the fact of hurting a mermaid. Not with skin so pure, eyes so deep, and a voice so transfixing that it could be as deadly as it was inviting.

Three Years Later
Jordan stood at the back of his log cabin chopping wood. He was listening to the waves as they came to the shore that was beside his house. The Mermaid War was still going on, and he hated it. He had laid down his sword a long time ago, and wrote books on reasons why the war in effect should be stopped as soon as possible, even if the merefolk did start the issue.
He had been criticized for his writing, but he never stopped. It was what paid for this beautiful house by the Ocean.
Speaking of the ocean, that day was as beautiful as ever, so Jordan stayed out that night on the shore and listened to the waves as the sun went down. In out... in out... int out...


Jordan woke to the sound of Evlans shore lines. The stars were in the sky and he stared at them when the sound came to his ears.
It was singing, familiar singing, the singing of one of the most beautiful creatures in the world.

(This is a mermaid just so you guys know)
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Old 02-12-2014, 09:14 AM   #2
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Good ole jordan

omg i wanna sammich nao
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Old 02-13-2014, 12:51 AM   #3
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Continuing Jordan's story....

Jordan woke to the sound of Evlans shore lines. The stars were in the sky and he stared at them when the sound came to his ears.
It was singing, familiar singing, the singing of one of the most beautiful creatures in the world.

It was a mermaid. Jordan looked to his right and saw his boyfriend. Then he kissed him deeply in the mouth, using his tongue.
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