Originally Posted by Tharkas
Glitch did do something about this. He introduced server 2
Which has mechanics identical to server 1...
Originally Posted by Master
Make dps more OP or something making regen not as good. I dont mind regen its self but game has gotten way too boring now with everyone and their mothers having regen.
People aren't even doing 100% Vamp + Regen builds yet! I'll post one momentarily.
Vamp/BM, 140 Melee, 1 Magic, 140 Def, 63 Recovery
All gear is T3 or lower. That's easy to afford for any real arena contender. I've assumed Level 86 (one pilgrim complete), 100 Stat Enhance, 100 Mitigated Penalties, and 100 Stone and Water (once again, top arena contenders will have this, though many people outside of the top of nod will not).
Note: this is a DPS build, not a tank build.
Gear is:
t3 stalker
t3 stalker
t3 EF helm
t3 deatheater (vamp) bp
t1 raiden sleeve
t1 raiden sleeve
t3 ef leg
t3 ef leg
t1 thraki
t3 conq quiver
t2 vampiric dragon whip
t2 vampiric dragon whip
r6 vamp rune
r6 regen rune
r6 euphoric rune
r6 quicksteel rune
r6 aggression rune
r6 pain or energy theft rune
Vamp: 15+10+10+9+12+6+6+9= 77%
Of course, for 100%, you'd need extremely high tier gear. Still, it is possible.
Anyhow, the point is I doubt may fights would end if 5k hits in bonus resulted in 3.85k heals and then the person had massive regen on top of that. Bonus would increase the vamp heal so much that you'd heal for more with rabid than without it.
EDIT: mistake made on melee stats. should be 400 str/376 dex