Loot to inventory/storage
Old 10-09-2014, 04:27 PM   #1
Deceneu is offline
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Default Loot to inventory/storage

From my experience for trophy farming, about 80% of nod farms on one spot as close to town as possible then move to town to burn the trophs, when storage is full.
Is it possible to make a option for you to choose which way the trophies go?
I mean one option to be loot in inventory, the other loot into storage. This could be made into interface option.
The problem is that on higher areas the number of trophs is really high and it takes same or more time to stack and move to storage then to actually fight. Not to mention boon when u can have 1-2 pages of trophs and just wait 5 minutes to move them to storage.
It would be good to have this option, after i finish the fight i loot into storage, open another fight and in the mean time rearange the stacks.
Sorry if this is not a new ideea, just had this thought cause its painfull to spend one hour in Nod and from that only about 50% is actual farm, the rest is stacking and moving. Not to mention burning... takes about 10 minutes to burn around 10kk trophies.
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Old 10-09-2014, 10:06 PM   #2
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but don't you have to add another step of moving the trophies to inventory, then move, then from inventory to altars? what's wrong with straight to inventory, move, then to altars?
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Old 10-10-2014, 01:13 PM   #3
Deceneu is offline
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my strategy is to make storage full then move to town to burn. its not a good ideea, in my oppinion, to make one fight, get encumbered then move to town, change one attack rune to wise then burn trophs.
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