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Misclicks on phone (small screen big fingers)
Old 10-07-2014, 06:22 AM   #1
BloodSpiller is offline
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Default Misclicks on phone (small screen big fingers)

I misclicked now buying AC pots in Slevisk twice now and bought 10 10k gems. Essentially wasting 100k of my money on server 2. We need a resell option for items just purchased or something. Its unfair that I've lost 200k (maybe 2 tc's worth at this time) of gold from oops misclick i didnt want that. All i have is a phone to play on and I'm a payed char. Can anything be done to compensate me or put this feature into play? it'd benefit me and possibly many others. Mistakes are made we shouldnt have to suffer from them. Thanks for you time
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Old 10-07-2014, 10:14 AM   #2
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Technically you'd have to misclick twice, once a hold click or right click on the wrong item, then a click on buy 10 on a popup that listed the name of an item you did not want to buy? Or are you doing something else? Our policy has always been to not compensate for misclicks, but I'm sure everyone would appreciate an immediate undo button should we ever make one.
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Old 10-09-2014, 02:47 AM   #3
BloodSpiller is offline
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Posts: 7

I understand that it is two clicks to buy something. But at the same time when you are buying 500 or 250 pots in bulk to make a t9 or t10 by uptiering and clicking the same spot over and over mindlessly you make mistakes. My laptop is solely good for this right now, forums and facebook. That's why i use my phone atm. A mouse would not have this problem. Its a small screen and you might not notice the text. I'm just saying i wasted 200k on a new server is all which at the time is worth quite a bit. I've payed my share to complain about this missing "oops i need refund for the wrong purchase" feature.

Or as a suggestion to fix this problem, how come when i pick up infinity stacks from the store, i can't just click piles into my inventory of my current max stack size. I should be able to drop 50 stacks whereever i click. Or a simple by x amount. Instead of buy 10 buy 10 buy 10 buy 10 buy10 buy oops wrong 10. bye bye 100k.
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