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Perma banned characters unbanning ?!
Old 09-13-2014, 07:35 AM   #1
radu_jorj is offline
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Default Perma banned characters unbanning ?!

A few days ago, I saw that several characters ( ubeisea, domnitor and Markoil) have been reactivated - see post : How i was scammed by Bloodrain- WARNING for others!

These characters were perma banned after the accounts were sold ( if i remember correclty ).

Can i ask if this unbanning was performed for all perma bans ? or was it just selective ? Are there any tasks that must be performed to be aligable ? Because I know some other guys that want to restart playing nodiatis and their chars are also banned ( chars names are Pedrowazup, Costeak, Bucifal ).

Hoping for good news.

Best regards,

Old 09-13-2014, 07:40 AM   #2
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i vote for them to be unbanned !!
good or bad whatever i am i am .....not going to change and not going to pretend <3 and i will never be intimidated by anyone ever !!!

be careful of those alpha nerds !!!


Old 09-13-2014, 07:48 AM   #3
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Old 09-13-2014, 08:44 AM   #4
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It's not clear why you think those characters were banned/unbanned in the first place, but nobody was unbanned, not within the last 30 days at least.
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Old 09-13-2014, 09:46 AM   #5
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Fleef r admin.

Originally Posted by Glitchless
You won't be warned again.

Old 09-13-2014, 11:23 AM   #6
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Hello Glitch,

Thanks for answering.

Well, first of all, the ban reason is obvious - account selling is not permitted as far as i remember from TOU.

Secondly, as far as I see, there are other bans that have been cancelled - riyah ( i don't exaclty know when the ban was undone for this toon or the exact ban reason, using it just as an example )

What i am trying to say is: since chars are being unbanned, after 2 years of punishment, could you consider unbanning the 3 chars that I mentioned ? I kept in touch with the guys and if unbanned, they would really like to rejoin the game.

Thanks Glitch

Old 09-13-2014, 11:40 AM   #7
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It looks like the chars mentioned were never banned in the first place. We're not unbanning banned chars.
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Old 09-13-2014, 12:04 PM   #8
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Glitch, can u please "never banned" Pedrowazup, Costeak, Smertnik, Alhimik, Bucifal. Long time passed Glitch. Thank you.

Old 09-13-2014, 12:08 PM   #9
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Perma ban is too stronk, :< can it be at least 1 year ban or something...

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Originally Posted by Glitchless
Atropos is correct.

Old 09-13-2014, 12:32 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Glitchless
Costeak, Smertnik, and Alhimyk (and several other characters who are shared among them) have been permanently banned for offering bribes in return for another team allowing them to win as opposed to more likely drawing in arena matches.

Every season we warn about this sort of behavior, and every season it seems some top level team cannot resist the urge. Match fixing ruins the integrity of the arena system and we have no tolerance for it in Nodiatis.

EDIT: those 3 getting banned in turn caused much butthurt within dacia and ended up getting like half the clan banned for uncivil comments, flaming glitchless and general heat of the moment butthurtery

Originally Posted by Glitchless
If we believe the person is acting alone the only that person will be banned. If we can see proof, as was in this case, that the other teammates were at the very least aware of the actions of their teammate and remained teamed with him, then they are also banned.

Obviously we don't wish to ban any players as it always stirs up a storm and lowers morale, but we also made a promise to our players not to allow any manipulation in arenas, and when given the chance to put an end to it, we will not hesitate. Our staff is made up of competitive gamers as well, none of whom are allowed to play Nodiatis, but have played in arenas in other games and seen them completely ruined by this sort of behavior, so we really have no sympathy for those who engage in it.
As for the "you unbanned so and so but not the person i like" Ubi was never banned to begin with. Glitch never in that thread stated he was banning him and if you read closely he was came to about wanting to have his toons bought, he did not seek out a seller.

Last edited by >.>; 09-13-2014 at 12:50 PM..

Old 09-13-2014, 02:00 PM   #11
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2. Do not share or trade accounts. Obviously due to rule #1 you can't share or trade accounts since you'd have to give someone your password to do that. So DON'T DO IT.
5. You may not trade anything in the game for real life currency. This is the only way to prevent scamming from becoming rampant."

Trading mean someone give something and someoneelse take and/or give something else in return. Traders was both part. Glitch can't bann someone who has no toon anymore, but can bann trader who take that toons. So Glitch can't bann real Ubeisea player but can bann new Ubeisea player and Bloodrain and what toon's they have now.
Bloodrain trying to buy that accounts for real life currency, and because Ubeisea made a mistake to give email to Bloodrain before this guy pay, Bloodrain take his account and that is, no pay anymore. But if Ubeisea give Bloodrain email after this guy payed, now noone know about this transaction and we don't talk for this anymore, actually, we really do not know that transaction would be done.

That toons Bloodrain, Ubeisea and Markoil was in my buddy list but i don't see it active till recently. Also i miss Nod for almost a year. But they can't play without someone see it all that time. So, if someone see that toons active last two years just can tell. If not, they was banned. Because i don't think someone want to bought two toons (or more) and immediately stop playing, except that toons was banned. Is ilogicaly. Except he has accident or something. Even if working hardly have time at least one day a week to play.

Everyone need a second chance. That second chance always can be allowed easier. Well... if subject persists to made mistake, banned can be forever. Not the case here.

As Glitch said : "We're not going to lifetime ban him for admitting he made a mistake..." i think this is resonable and generous. Now, all we ask is to apply that generousity for all players, at least for those who was off for one year or more.

They made a mistake.
They are sorry for that.
They have learned their lesson.
Was only first time when that happend, not many time.
Please forgive them.

Thank you.

Old 09-13-2014, 02:13 PM   #12
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You are trying to skew this in your favor so he will be swayed to unban your friends. Glitch said that the current user of the toons matches the original user before the attempted buying. It could very well be the case that after the sale turned out to be a scam that it left a bitter taste in his mouth towards the game and he did not want to play. With all the improvements and attention lately many people are also returning after long hiatuses does that instantly mean they were unbanned recently as well? Tormentz recently started logging again was he unbanned? Weaponmasterc just found out that nod can be played on an ipad does that mean he was unbanned as well because he is playing now after a long time of not logging?

Arena fixing is a serious matter as he said in my previous quote. Why should they be unbanned? What is to stop them from trying to fix fights again?

Glitch has said previously that the "do not give your password to anyone" is to protect YOU. He will not actively seek out account sharers because truthfully half the game would be banned if not more. IF the shared toon is involved in a scam or your items are found missing one day then it is on you, he will not give you anything back.

If Ubi had been seeking out a seller then your second rule would have more weight imo. He was approached by someone else to sell his toons. He had no intent on selling them prior to being asked. If he had been actively seeking out a buyer then I think the rule would apply more. But since he was approached and then decided to inform the community of the scammer and willing to cut his losses and didn't ask for his toons back I think that is why he was not banned perma if at all.


Old 09-13-2014, 03:44 PM   #13
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Come on, tell me Rogue, are u afraid about all that toon's if they comeback to kick your *** in arena and joke about you... again ?

I tell u and please try to understand. If a player will sell his toon, that player have no toon to ban anymore.
Who will take penalty in this case if someone broke rules no 1, 2 and 5 ? I tell u.... Only player wich bought that toons can be punished.
That mean only Bloodrain can be banned.
Rules is the same for all or not ?

If someone broke the rule must be punished.
They also can ask for mercy. They also can receive mercy as Bloodrain/Ubeisea receive already... and many others.

I tell u something else. I play this game since feb 2010. All that time(untill 2012) i was in same clan Dacia with Ubeisea. I talk with him day by day for about three years... me and all Dacia members. We all has very good relations of friendship. Was so close relations that Ube was told us he will give away his accounts and no play anymore. We all assuming he will sell for real money but don't ask specificaly. Ubeisea from now can't be same person with Ubeisea wich was since 2013. They are different persons.
Well... i can think for a hard way, as Ubeisea from there is same but want to retreat and become alone. Hard to think he do that. Actually is very easy to discover because i can contact real Ubeisea very easy and send email. Same email wich he use to transfer his accounts and Bloodrain... i think is correctly to say scamed.
U said before someone get so low to take 10 each to draw arena. Well... how low can be man to take his account for a lie? Is not same rule must applied here ?

I am very sure even u trade and sitting many different toons from many different persons. U are honest... till now... and all all players wich give u his account to sittering or arena playing in theyr playe was regaining corectly his toons from u. And i think and hear many players wich give his pass to play with his toon in arena on a period as they are away(or afk). Maybe u did the same. That is not trading as well ? I think 50% or maybe 90% do the same. Or maybe only me and my Dacia clan members and all here is so... fair.

Ok. If rule no 2 and 5 maybe was only for... what ? ...to anounce players because is bad to give pass ar share accounts... but no penalty from Glitch ?
So what we can understand ? We all can sell our account for a good real money but no punishment from Glitch at all ? In this case i will ebay my original toon :P ...or not :P Who will buy my toon because don't have any punishment. And i will give my email only u will pay the price, not before as Ube do :P ...or not... :P

Just the mere fact that someone says something and he did not have evidence that it doe,s not mean that it comes true. Exactly these things were said with the players of those toons, but nothing happened. Do you not miss any arena game? Do not go to drink water or take a piss? Or, in their case they drank a lot of beer... only casual ) That does not mean that someone broke the game. No need for banning it. And if so, this is a game they thought they can play. Well, that play cost to be banned and they paid the price. They and all the others that have been banned or squelched.

Is it wrong to someone have a second chance to demonstrate that he has learned his lesson?

Anyway all that remains is that :

They made a mistake.
They are sorry for that.
They have learned their lesson.
Was only first time when that happend, not many time.
Please forgive them and unbann.

Thank you.

P.S. Idk if i correctly write but i'm sure Chloe can help me :P

Last edited by Fior; 09-13-2014 at 03:52 PM..

Old 09-13-2014, 04:02 PM   #14
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One more thing to enforce the idea that Fior is saying -> the new owner of Ubeisea does not know romanian ( our Dacia clan's used language ). This means that he is not actually Ubeisea the original ( old ube already uses a new char - stellabella ). He is just the buyer of the account.

Why not permaban the buyer then ?


Best regards

Old 09-13-2014, 04:26 PM   #15
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i must agreee here a perma bann is super strong for some that love the game even without warrnings........ i believe 1 shall recieve 3 warnings 1st warning is 1 month ban 2nd warning 6 month ban 3rd warning 1 year ban FINAL WARNING LIFE....\

would be kool to give some 2nd chances and those that r banned tro come back and try im sure theyver learned lessons

Old 09-13-2014, 09:29 PM   #16
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I think a number of people would take an unbanning and turn it into a productive contribution to the Nod society. However, those who stole/bought characters *cough* mistress *cough* or fixed matches probably don't have the personality type necessary to effect a change in their behavior.
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Old 09-13-2014, 10:03 PM   #17
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Ubeisea blisses alot why take away :{

Old 09-14-2014, 01:46 AM   #18
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The team mentioned was formed from Pedro, Costeak and Alhy. Ryah presented so called "prooves" to Jeff and that's history. I could start another conversation about the fact that it's very easy to manipulate simply by showing exactly what u need or just by using a bit the Photoshop to get what u wanted. I wont do that cause after all wont change anything.
In the end its simply a case when someone says something and another person says the different thing. Glitch believed the first person. They were being under surveillance for a long time and its their fault that they fell for something as stupid as that. As they were for so long in the game they were supposed to know not to trust anyone who could just turn the heat on them even by simply saying to Glitch that Bribe was offered. Couple of days before the event the team that won from this scandal was flaiming the forum and the game chat cause they cant win against Pedsteak's team, cause they cant kill Costeak during the 10 min of the fight. IMO its not their fault cause once again they knew exactly what to do when things changed one more time in the game and they switched their builds.
But one more time, this is history.
Bucifal and Smertnik got also banned... Ofc that when the owner of Bucifal understood what happened, he started a big scandal on game chat, and in the heat of the moment certain things were said, things that got him the ban. Also at that point several char belonging to Bucifal were banned, probably the desire of Glitch to keep the things calm on the game.
About one week later Mircitank tried to log into the game and saw that his account was banned. He wrote on forum, things were checked and almost all the toons that were banned become unbanned, Glitch stating that was just a small period of time in order to allow the person/persons using them to cool off a bit from that scandal.
Now my question is... Why Bucifal was never unbanned? Why Smertnik also got banned? Because the 2 toons were not into the arena team that was banned, and also its not the case of loosing matches to Pedro's team cause they were on the same ip.
If Glitch wanted to punish the persons, not the toons, things didnt worked out well. Cause like many other char that got banned, the owners can still play the game.
Also if Bucifal was banned because he played one of the toons in Pedro's team its wrong. I saw several posts in game chat and on forum where people admit that they do arena on all 3 toons, even tho 2 toons dont belong to them.
Even I have a team in which i have 2 toons and the third belonged to a friend that doesnt play anymore. He gave me his password and i play all 3 toons. This would mean i must be banned according to the facts happened on the case we talk about. If that is so, then ok, ban me also cause i broke the rules.

Old 09-14-2014, 01:12 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by billyrules
Ubeisea blisses alot why take away :{
I don't say to take away Ube, i say to revive others also

If someone blisses a lot, someone need to buy

Team Pedro, Costeak and Alhy was best buyer in that period i think
I know because i gave 40 TC's as a loan in that period and they returned sortly :P

Well... i have something else to tell u guys, if someone take bribe and is punished is not right to punish briber also ? Because both contribute to breaking the law.

And if someone trying to bribe someone else wich he want but briber not pay, then action canceled. Where broke the low is ? Only morality matter. I don't think low morality can be punished.

Last edited by Fior; 09-14-2014 at 01:29 PM..

Old 09-14-2014, 03:20 PM   #20
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Can u also unbann Vanzan toon please ?
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