Arena Rush Week, a Question.
Old 09-02-2014, 04:49 AM   #1
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angamaite is offline
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Default Arena Rush Week, a Question.

Hi Glitch

Arena Rush Week is almost upon us, one of the two highlights of the Nod Year.

Now, all three of the toons in my arena team were built and are run by me. But it's hard to play arena effectively by yourself, as you cannot keep up with all the gem draws from the three characters. =/

I was wondering if i would be able to get a nod playing friend to play one, or two of my accounts during arena week, just so my team could compete a little more effectively against other multi - operator teams? We wouldn't be toon sharing at other times during future seasons, and it would just be for the rush week so I have a better chance to get some of the arena rewards.

Please let me know if i would be able to do this and remain within the Arena Rules,

Thank you in advance,

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Old 09-02-2014, 06:51 AM   #2
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It's account sharing. Account sharing is against the rules. Simple as that, really.

However, Glitch seems to take a view that, as long as no drama happens (he stole that item off the toon I lent him to use, etc), then he doesn't actively go looking for people toon sharing.
So you can do it, but it's at your own risk. If drama occurs, then the toon/toons can get banned, with no recourse.
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Old 09-02-2014, 06:52 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Roeth
It's account sharing. Account sharing is against the rules. Simple as that, really.

However, Glitch seems to take a view that, as long as no drama happens (he stole that item off the toon I lent him to use, etc), then he doesn't actively go looking for people toon sharing.
So you can do it, but it's at your own risk. If drama occurs, then the toon/toons can get banned, with no recourse.
That was pretty accurate.
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Old 09-03-2014, 12:24 AM   #4
Boss Hunter
angamaite is offline
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Posts: 149

Thank you for the replies. I just wanted to see which way the wind was blowing.

Personally, I think i will just play within the confines of the ToU.
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