Gem haste, energy and/or mana draw, pet haste, rabid, broadhead, deft aura's to starting once in slots will be very good.
And don't forget about casters. They use gem as weapons, they need one or two more gem slots then other classes.
Do not forget that there have been many changes along the last two years. Special attention should be for the number of slots and the number of auras's gem's that should occur early in the fight.
Also appeared recently even more runes making it harder the choice. It should be supplemented at least two more slots for runes.
Adding one or two more gem slots and two more slots for runes can compensate all new upgrades/updates and additions in Nodiatis.
Now players can go in higher places and for that one more aura slot is neccesarely.
Do not tell last kok buff updating change everything for bm'ers. I started a post
here where i think new weapons essences for changing weapon type is neccesarely and can prevent any future buff or nerf classes situation thru changing weapons type with low costs.