help to bm
Old 08-20-2014, 11:00 PM   #1
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Default help to bm

some to think over with hard hit bm took lot like to change class now may way for full up grade toon that frist class can be change with out reroll give them say 30 days to do so and only work if you frist class is beast master
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Old 08-21-2014, 12:35 AM   #2
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support, that would be reasonable, especially if a toon had done a plig.
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Old 08-21-2014, 09:28 PM   #3
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that would be reasonable after spending the **** load of cash i dished out on a toon to make it OP to have it turned the joke of nod

i went with what was given and now everything thats being offered as help is obviously nothing i have on or spent good money on that id have to spend more **** load of money to try to re-op myself to maybe hit another brick wall later

i think yes all players that have and are playing main as BM have the OPTION to change their primary class , and yes , im upset with the bomb that was dropped on BMs , if this was something that happened since january patch then should have been some in january instead of people having a false sense accomplishment and spending more money to OP themselfs more to just have it ripped from them

as you can probably understand , IM HUGELY UPSET BY THIS , i have no more desire to spend another penny on this game if everytime people spend good money to just have it ripped off them and i want a primary class change , only other option i see , is quitting the game which i dont want to do but dont want to be taken for a ride

ty and have a GREAT DAY !!!!!!!!
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Old 08-22-2014, 02:46 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by thepirate
that would be reasonable after spending the **** load of cash i dished out on a toon to make it OP to have it turned the joke of nod

i went with what was given and now everything thats being offered as help is obviously nothing i have on or spent good money on that id have to spend more **** load of money to try to re-op myself to maybe hit another brick wall later

i think yes all players that have and are playing main as BM have the OPTION to change their primary class , and yes , im upset with the bomb that was dropped on BMs , if this was something that happened since january patch then should have been some in january instead of people having a false sense accomplishment and spending more money to OP themselfs more to just have it ripped from them

as you can probably understand , IM HUGELY UPSET BY THIS , i have no more desire to spend another penny on this game if everytime people spend good money to just have it ripped off them and i want a primary class change , only other option i see , is quitting the game which i dont want to do but dont want to be taken for a ride

ty and have a GREAT DAY !!!!!!!!

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Old 08-22-2014, 04:28 PM   #5
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i am in total agrrement of this, but my problems is my secondary class is beastmaster. theres been a lot of time and effort for all bm toons (5 yrs for my toon). to get there toons to where they are right now. may there toons be oped or not. for the bm class to become trash.
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Old 08-22-2014, 06:04 PM   #6
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halp glitches, only half the tops lists is BMs now111
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Old 08-22-2014, 06:11 PM   #7
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i did some timed test between nemesiss and semperfidelis on fungi boss after the fix. both using r5 celerity pots. both killed average between 3-4 minutes with semper being a bit faster. semper other than his quiver is set up gear wise for full dps where as nem is set for a bit of both dps and defense. if i set up nem for full farming dps as in zirco legs/sleeves again id say they would be on equal farming ground but if i added honeybadgers as well no doubt could be the faster farmer. with this new haste gem tho it might even out. far as bm's go now i believe they are on equal farming ground with the rest of melee based players. the only problem i see is pvp area where before was pretty beast for his 11.8k hp. was able to beat most other bm's and hold his own even beat some regen based players, including nem, didnt beat but came pretty close in duels, lack of hp might of been his un doing but he still has the op defense but without the dps or heals as before cant really do much but delay the inevitable.

glitch has said bm's may need something for pvp such as new skills. so is a waiting game to see whats in store, untill then if your heavy into arena may want to switch builds even if temporary, not a terrible thing in the full scheme of things. most of us have spent plenty on our characters no matter the class

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Old 08-22-2014, 07:41 PM   #8
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Old 08-23-2014, 10:55 AM   #9
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A skill was broken It's now fixed. Bm's are now on equal footing. People have invested a lot into being a BM but people have invested JUST as much in other builds. It was not fair to EVERY non bm who spent lots of money and time trying to keep up. I think bms are underpowered in pvp terms now but glitch has said they may need new skills to try and re balance things.

I don't think bm's should get any special treatment just because a skill has been fixed. especially with paird reroll already available.
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Old 08-23-2014, 12:23 PM   #10
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I personally did not see a huge boost in my farming times after the New Years patch so i am not of the opinion that it is when the error occurred. Instead i think it has always been as it was before the "Fix". When something works the same way for years it is not "Broke".... it is a part of the game. Telling people now that it is "Fixed" and expecting them to be glad about it is not realistic. If i have been going to a restaurant and ordering the same meal for years, only to go one day and see the portions have been cut in half, i would rightly be unhappy about the change. If i were then told that now the portion sizes are "Fixed" and that the kitchen crew had wrongly been using larger serving spoons than they should have, I would say it is not my responsibly to go into the kitchen and make sure the staff is doing their jobs correctly.

It is what it is now but for people to say no one should be upset is ridiculous. Glitch has said he will look into it and make adjustments as they see fit. This should not upset people either. If a fix was needed for "Balance" and they were ok with that.... then they should be equally ok with it, if that balance was not reach and some adjustments are needed in the opposite direction. Glitch has said IF... nothing is certain.

All of the responses regarding the fixes should be viewed as feedback and the emotional aspect ignored.... it's the essence of what is being said that is important.

Last edited by adino; 08-23-2014 at 08:43 PM..
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Old 08-23-2014, 12:24 PM   #11
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That being said.... I would love a grace period for a bm 1st class reroll.... or rather class change.
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Old 08-24-2014, 07:05 PM   #12
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Glitch I think this would really be the only way to make this right, stalking never worked as intended. The fix is unprecedented and I think a one time first class change for BM's would be a fair "fix" to the fix.
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Old 08-24-2014, 08:49 PM   #13
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From glitches point of view... IF he compensates BMs for the "mistake" is he to also take back all the profit a BM made while being able to use this "exploit/mistake"? Cause tbh BMs were farming pretty darn fast and selling trophies and or boss farming.
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Old 08-24-2014, 10:32 PM   #14
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The losses are far exceeding the gains in this one. That skill never worked the way it was supposed to and now I have what might just be the worst pvp class in the game.
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Old 08-25-2014, 10:08 AM   #15
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Also, it should be noted that BM's were the standard so many of the other classes were buffed to compensate for what no longer exist.... maybe glitch should "Fix" that as well.
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Old 08-25-2014, 10:17 AM   #16
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Id be more upset about the choices of gear that you chose that CANNOT be changed or a Primary class. The fact that LG weapons cant be morphed when so many have invested so much into a certain build just to have it thrown in their face is discouraging. Primary class can "live" with but still disappointing... However getting upset about the unexpected Nerf when people throughout the years have suggested stuff to glitch "including my self at a point" about bms needing to be looked into and it wasn't done back then is just out right wrong. I know people make mistakes and I understand that the Coder is human and will also make those mistakes, but I feel that it should of been seen a long time ago when people are asking him to look into things. BECAUSE it was suggested that he looked into BM and BECAUSE he responded with its ok and wont change, I feel that Permanent things need to be made not so permanent because so many have chose BM for those reasons long ago.
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Old 08-25-2014, 10:18 AM   #17
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To clear that up... I dont think BMs need anything to offset this nerf such as skills and what have you.

But I do think that we should be able to change our primary as well as morphing LG weapons and LG pets to make it right.
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Old 08-25-2014, 10:26 AM   #18
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I agree with ALL lg's being morphed. Would really solve the issue for me. But, the fact that stalking shaped the game for so long and severely impacted All classes should not just be dismissed. The driving factor for so much has been changed..... but like I said. Morphing would satisfy that for me.

Last edited by adino; 08-25-2014 at 10:31 AM..
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Old 08-25-2014, 10:40 AM   #19
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Its not just bm that has been rendered usless in his current game changes... Tankers as well... Guardians, tacts... Whats the point in being a tanker which farms for crap, cant solo bosses cause no dps and then just gets bypassed in PVP because aoes are flying from every position available? Its a wasted classs now and wasted investment as well. So for that reason I do think all classes not just BM should be able to have a way to change primary rather than the fansy reroll option.

ALL lgs need to be morphable regardless...
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Old 08-25-2014, 10:52 AM   #20
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You can add healers to that list as well. Sad thing is that tanks and healers both have used a bm suit for farming.

With bm woven into the fabric of the game as it is, this fix seems less like a bandaid being ripped of and more like a serrated dagger being removed....

Last edited by adino; 08-25-2014 at 11:28 AM..
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