08-25-2014, 05:10 PM
Seer's BFF
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I don't think any special treatment is needed. BMs had it very nice for a long time, farmed faster than others, made more gold, got stronger ... now the balance has been restored.
BMs can still farm, even while afk - hell, I'm farming Roeth in Redwood while typing this, with Rabid R5, pet haste R5 and sharpened steel R5 in play, while using a Celerity R7 potion. If I can do that, then people with a LOT better gear shouldn't be having any real difficulties at all.
If you suck so bad that you can't cope, even after months (or years) of getting more gold, trophies, etc than others, and having the opportunity to gear up ... well, you just suck, whatever class you're whining about wanting to reroll to.
08-25-2014, 05:30 PM
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Jvance is offline
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Well if you just want to afk farm you make a great point, however some of us had different things in mind that have been killed with this "balance" you speak of.
08-25-2014, 07:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Roeth
I don't think any special treatment is needed. BMs had it very nice for a long time, farmed faster than others, made more gold, got stronger ... now the balance has been restored.
BMs can still farm, even while afk - hell, I'm farming Roeth in Redwood while typing this, with Rabid R5, pet haste R5 and sharpened steel R5 in play, while using a Celerity R7 potion. If I can do that, then people with a LOT better gear shouldn't be having any real difficulties at all.
If you suck so bad that you can't cope, even after months (or years) of getting more gold, trophies, etc than others, and having the opportunity to gear up ... well, you just suck, whatever class you're whining about wanting to reroll to.
Your arguments seem to always include a direct insult. You're special.
What about the people who spent a few hundred dollars buying TCs to sell on the AH to purchase the gear for a peer suggested build to better their character in the long run, then two weeks after attaining the last few pieces of said set get "the bandaid" pulled off? Are those people allowed to voice an opinion that might oppose yours?
08-26-2014, 02:25 AM
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devil is offline
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what about the fact that you spent hundreds of dollars buying tcs, join the club i am happy with the latest fix and i was building a bm suit for farming, this fix wont stop me building bm suit either.
08-26-2014, 03:46 AM
Seer's BFF
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Originally Posted by Jingo
Your arguments seem to always include a direct insult. You're special.
What about the people who spent a few hundred dollars buying TCs to sell on the AH to purchase the gear for a peer suggested build to better their character in the long run, then two weeks after attaining the last few pieces of said set get "the bandaid" pulled off? Are those people allowed to voice an opinion that might oppose yours?
First off, my 'insult' wasn't directed at anyone in particular, but all of the whiny crybabies in general. If you see it as particularly directed at you, and if the cap fits, however, then feel free to continue to wear it ...
It was your CHOICE to spend that RL cash. Nobody forced you to do it. Now, if you want to go with that 'peer-suggested build', then feel free, but if your peers suggested taking your money out into the back yard and setting fire to it, would you do that too ? Would you want to blame someone else for only having a pile of ash left at the end of it, or would you take responsibility for your own actions ?
This is a GAME. You spend money on it if you WANT to, but the T&Cs make it perfectly clear that you have absolutely no expectations or rights whatsoever. So only spend on it what you can afford to ... well, basically, take into the backyard and set fire to.
If (according to you) you've completed your build/gear, and STILL suck, then I'll stand by my statement : it isn't the class, or the type, that sucks. It's you
08-26-2014, 12:51 PM
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Jingo is offline
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Roeth, don't be a child.
I was merely stating that your argument that BMs have been getting extra gold, drops, trophies for extended periods of time doesn't really pertain to all of those who chose to build a BM. Your reading comprehension skills fail you, daily.
My character does not suck at farming. The only thing different since the change is bosses, I just can't survive if either of my pets miss due to the new (to me) delay between heals.
When I reroll my character (Back into a BM, most likely), I just won't be putting any points into stalking, but I'll also add the haste aura gem to attack/heal that much faster.
You keep putting words in my mouth that haven't come out, and I'm not particularly fond of foreign things entering my mouth.
08-26-2014, 03:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Tale
Would be nice if Glitchy answers on this one.
08-26-2014, 06:12 PM
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Originally Posted by hotshot64
Everyone makes mistakes, even programmers. Chill out.
Some players have payed for their mistakes being squelched :P
I think two or three Epic Beast compensate all that period of programming mistake. Is fair.
Better someone skilled search archers too, because i presume an error on archers skills or archers class conception. For example i wonder why my pet has bigger damage then my arrow if my stats is building for bow attack, not for pets attack and my class is Archer, not BM with 205 str, 418 dex and 702 cnc ? And pet skills and archers skill is the same. And i raise str because i see i have better damage from pet then bow. If i mistake i will continue, if not, i will continue also. Is a game anyway.
Is like apple.
Last edited by Fior; 08-26-2014 at 06:21 PM..
08-27-2014, 09:54 AM
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Hooker is offline
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Originally Posted by Jingo
I'm not particularly fond of foreign things entering my mouth.
its just a game don't get so butt hurt
Originally Posted by Hoodrat
Stand your ground, concerned white citizen !
Originally Posted by Glitchless
Player mistakes have to be lived with.
Originally Posted by Glitchless
I have it on good authority that the founding fathers were pro PKing.
08-27-2014, 02:47 PM
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Qratos is offline
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Originally Posted by Jingo
I'm not particularly fond of foreign things entering my mouth.
So what you're saying is foreign things enter your mouth, your just NOT too fond of it happening... hmmmmmm
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