Originally Posted by Akilthedestroyer
You are such a moron sometimes... Jeff said it's been like this since January, was it? Did you feel you got an increase of 67% pet haste after January? Because if it was, you'd have reported it, wouldn't you? Someone else might have too. Why can't you understand that most BMs were made to believe that everything was working properly, therefore we built our trust on something false based on the assumption it was correct and invested our time and money on that build! IT IS NOT THE FIX THAT'S UPSETTING. It's the amount of time and money WASTED on BUILDING THAT CHARACTER.
I have 2 toons. One is a BM/DK with DW whips. The other is a Paladin/BM with Crush/Whip. I know that it sucks, but it's not wasted time. (Also Glitch is probably going to allow you to get that power back, but it will be a bit harder to maintain it).
Also, Glitch had guessed that the New Year's Patch had caused the issue, but I went back and watched videos that Kyron and others had posted from 2010 and the pets did not have any extra delay. It's therefore most likely that stalking has not worked correctly since it was created in the summer of 2009.