Goodbye Nodiatis
Hello everyone,
My journey in Noadiatis has been has been quite a tale. I can remember my days starting out in Castille as a caster in the making. The first player to ever help me was called Mattidor. He gave me some trophies and I got some rank 3 red gems. I felt so powerful taking enemies down on the Ashen Trail. I have met many friends, and had many crazy adventures that i'll never forget. GUIDE was my home when I started. Pony guided me throughout most of my journey. And I found my final home with DtNor. I can't thank most of you guys enough for those who have helped me, or those that shared many of my crazy adventures. From my first day when I bought the Apprentice Staff, I never would have imagined myself where I am now. I know i'm not as great as most of you. But looking back, I can't believe how far I have come. But I am afraid it's time for me to say goodbye. My journey is at an end. I wish all of you the best of luck.
- Zeffrin
Last edited by Zeffrin; 08-05-2014 at 12:36 AM..