Nodiatis under HTML5
Old 07-17-2014, 08:10 AM   #1
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Default Nodiatis under HTML5

As far i understand it's more likely nodiatis will change to HTML.

How long would it take to make that change?

Also does it mean it will be possible to access game from mobile devices?

I can imagine that making app for it would be hard but would greatly extend player database

I heard html5 is better and faster than java and uses less memory. Anyone familiar what's the difference if it comes to memory usage?
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Old 07-17-2014, 09:54 AM   #2
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HTML5 is an interesting improvement over HTML 4 STRICT. While the "precursor" to HTML5 - 4.01 Transitional DTD was meant to be a close fit to what HTML5 is: HTML 5 has already grown significantly. That being said - discussing a comparison between HTML5 on its own and Java is not even in the same realm.

HTML5, while it is gaining HUGE capabilities, esp. in media display (such as videos), it still could not do anything near what Java can do. That being said: Java sucks and always has. It is riddled with holes, memory leaks and the like. Good programmers (such as the Glitchless bunch) clearly have done an amazing job of handling the woes therein (never before have I seen three instances of a Java App run so smoothly on a single machine.)

Now, a comparison of [HTML, CSS, XML, and JavaScript] as a Team vs. Java - the left side is FAR better equipped to handle memory sieves and the like. JavaScript can quickly over-ride the overall work of a program if too much emphasis is given to it (takes far more effort to display a single word in JavaScript than it does in HTML, however; one can dynamically change that same word to other words using JavaScript.)
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Old 07-17-2014, 02:18 PM   #3
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everything would be way too open for the developer's liking in my opinion... nod lives on java for the foreseeable future...
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Old 07-20-2014, 12:57 PM   #4
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Glitchless ,

Can you verify that you moving on to HTML ?
And how long would it take to do so ?
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Old 07-24-2014, 07:44 PM   #5
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Probably be possible to run it on a smartphone. Won't know for sure till it's tested. BTW, I call beta tester!
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Old 08-06-2014, 09:48 PM   #6
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Right now it looks like the move to HTML5 is going to happen. Unfortunately the client code is nearly 30k lines, and that process may be lengthy.

The concerns about the client code being too open in HTML5 would be understandable for most games, however, Nodiatis already enforces nearly every potentially exploitable "hack" via client modification with server-side checks. This was already an important feature considering it is also possible to modify java based clients with a little more work.
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Old 08-06-2014, 10:07 PM   #7
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I still call beta tester plox :P
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Old 08-07-2014, 06:42 AM   #8
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As far as I know, Java is very easy to decompile. I honestly don't know much about HTML5 (don't think I've ever seen a source-code that uses it tbh), but the Java code that is obscured with compilation isn't exactly hidden either. There are techniques to obscure the code and made it more difficult to read by a human. Are there ways to abuse vulnerabilities right now? Sure, nothing is 100%, but it wouldn't go unnoticed. With an aggressive plan to keep backups of all the data I think we're fine. At any point, I would be willing to give up 24 or 48 irl hours to keep the game intact if it ever came to that, but that would be a very extreme situation, one that I'm not even sure *could* arise. Cross your t's and dot your i's and the world of Nodiatis shall survive to see another day, even through something as extreme as starting from scratch on the client code-base. Oh man, I wish I could dig in to the real code and help out. It would be a trip to see the inner-workings after watching it all work from the outside for so many years. For people that don't understand, the difference between client-side and server-side software: The software that runs on your computer everytime you log-in does not have the real workings of the game, it is just the software that displays everything to you, sends all of your actions to the server, and recieves the results back from the server to display to you again. Most, if not all, of the real work is done on the server. The potential for exploitation is much smaller than the average person would imagine. Real damage would be done by something small and insidious, not anything like a "Press to make a stack of TCs appear" button. A lot of data is kept, nothing is gonna slip by as long as someone is paying attention.

The best part about this, is that eventually Glitchless won't have to have new users install anything to get started. It will be super easy for new players to make an account and join in, and the playerbase (as a whole) would no longer be potential victims of a java exploit that could do terrible things, much worse than you or I could imagine. This is very much a good thing and one of the many reasons the switch to HTMl5 would be worth it. Java has just as much bad as it has good, and I'm sure Glitchless has quite a mixed opinion of it as well.

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Old 08-07-2014, 09:50 PM   #9
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Also, even Dennis Nedry managed to debug 2 million lines of code, and that was in 1993. Glitch is not a morbidly obese slob of an idiot who gets everyone killed by shutting down the park fences, so I'm sure he'll blaze right through it and make Nod even moar beautiful.
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Old 08-07-2014, 10:51 PM   #10
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the JAva Gui is terrible but if you would try a linux distro and just run from DVD that you can burn for nothing . it is stupid fast. or you could install irtual box and do the same and run from within windows < more difficult option. im new at it but you cant screew up a boot from dvd
. and it works from the boot disc as live . of course oyu are going to have trouble and be scared of terminal, but we wher all once little noddrs too and very scard.. oh BTW my windows pc died
please get ride of java java is for coffee not a game enviroment as nod is and he has amasing talents on keeping this working thru new and even more saed new java and it changes a few times per year thank glich for helping us have all are fighs and fun.
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Old 08-08-2014, 01:09 PM   #11
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When we will can play in 3D mode?
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Old 08-08-2014, 05:14 PM   #12
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If it improves performance on my machine and uses less resources, I completely approve of this change.
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Old 08-09-2014, 12:28 PM   #13
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please compile with SDL2 and then it is easy to convert to all oses

try some thing like this video or
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Old 08-09-2014, 12:43 PM   #14
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and bring this game to steam
as free to play
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Old 08-11-2014, 03:54 AM   #15
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and bring this game to steam
as free to play
Nod on steam would be really epic, Steam has massive user base and maybe Nod could be more known among masses if on Steam.

And Java is very annoying. I h8 eet >.<

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Atropos is correct.
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Old 08-14-2014, 01:47 PM   #16
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Nod on steam?!?!
Make this happen!
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